Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction. Aiden A. Bruen
alt="e almost-equals 2.72"/> is the base of the natural logarithm). See Ryser [Rys63, p. 23]. Thus, some information about the encoding is revealed along with a coded message!
We will now investigate the machine from a mathematical standpoint. Each rotor is represented by a set of permutations containing all letter values between 0 and 25. The transition of each set runs left to right, with each bracket representing a wrap‐around or cycle. The first, second, and third rotors have unique permutation sets denoted
To show how the enciphering process works, consider the modified system shown in Figure 2.4.
The idea is to keep track of each intermediate substitution, in order to determine the final cipher text character. To illustrate the encoding process, consider the following example:
Example 2.1 Suppose the permutation sets of each rotor and reflector are defined as follows:
Figure 2.4 Simplified Enigma model.
So, with
Each permutation set possesses an inverse, which “undoes” the action of said permutation, as follows:
The initial settings are defined with
For the signal traveling toward the reflector plate, the substitutions through the rotors are represented mathematically as follows:
where raising a term to the exponent
Since the reflector has contacts which are only connected in pairs, we get
After the successful completion of the cipher text substitution, we need to update the rotor settings to take into account the rotation(s) that may have taken place: