Handbook of MRI Technique. Catherine Westbrook

Handbook of MRI Technique - Catherine Westbrook

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lamina below to lamina above disc exit foramina from T12 to S1 Coronal parallel to long axis of spinal canal posterior aspect of spinous processes to anterior border of vertebral bodies conus to sacrum Whole spine Sagittal parallel to long axis of spinal cord left to right lateral borders of vertebral bodies base of skull to sacrum Axial parallel to spinal cord base of skull to sacrum or ROI bony spine and surrounding soft tissue Lungs and mediastinum Coronal orthogonal posterior chest muscles to sternum apices to lung bases Axial orthogonal apices to lung bases entire chest to skin surfaces Heart and great vessels Coronal orthogonal posterior chest muscles to sternum apices to lung bases Axial orthogonal inferior border of heart to superior aspect of arch of aorta entire chest to skin surfaces LA view parallel to intraventricular septum through left ventricle entire chest cavity Four chamber through apex of left ventricle and mitral valve through left ventricle entire chest cavity SA view parallel to mitral valve through left ventricle entire chest cavity Thymus Axial orthogonal through thymus entire chest to skin surfaces Breast Sagittal orthogonal sternum to axilla superior axillary tail to nipple and pectoralis muscle and chest wall Axial orthogonal superior axillary tail to inferior margins of breast(s) superior axillary tail to nipple and pectoralis muscle and chest wall Axilla Sagittal orthogonal from sternoclavicular joint to humerus both axillae or single axilla Axial orthogonal through both axillae and supraclavicular fossae both axillae Coronal orthogonal posterior chest muscles to sternum both axillae Brachial plexus Sagittal perpendicular to long axis of symptomatic brachial plexus spinal cord to medial aspect of humerus C3 to aortic arch Axial perpendicular to long axis of C4 to C7 arch of aorta to C3 both shoulders and anterior neck Coronal parallel to long axis of C4 to C7 posterior aspect of cervical cord to sternoclavicular joints C3 to aortic arch Liver/biliary system Coronal orthogonal posterior abdominal peritoneum to anterior abdominal wall pubis symphysis to diaphragm Axial orthogonal diaphragm to inferior margin of liver whole abdomen to skin surfaces Kidneys/adrenals Coronal orthogonal posterior abdominal peritoneum to anterior abdominal wall pubis symphysis to gastric ventricle Axial orthogonal inferior margin of kidneys to superior aspect of adrenals whole abdomen to skin surfaces Pancreas Coronal orthogonal posterior abdominal peritoneum to anterior abdominal wall pubis symphysis to gastric ventricle Axial orthogonal through pancreas whole abdomen to skin surfaces Bowel Coronal orthogonal from posterior abdominal peritoneum to anterior abdominal wall pubis symphysis to the gastric ventricle Axial orthogonal gastric ventricle to pubis symphysis whole abdomen to skin surfaces Prostate Sagittal perpendicular to prostatic/rectal junction left to right margins of prostate and seminal vesicles pubis symphysis to iliac crests Axial orthogonal or perpendicular to prostatic/rectal junction
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