Introduction to TESOL. Kate Reynolds

Introduction to TESOL - Kate Reynolds

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as a lifelong teacher-learner. We hope you find your niche within TESOL, so you can be the next generation of TESOL leaders.


      1 Bloom, B.(1976). Human characteristics and school learning. McGraw-Hill.

      2 von Glasersfeld, E.(2005). Introduction: Aspects of constructivism. In C. T. Fosnot(Ed.), Constructivism: Theory, perspectives, and practice (2nd ed.) (pp. 3–7). Teachers College Press.

Part One The Field of TESOL

      This chapter will introduce TESOL as a field showing the various contexts and populations for English language instruction. It will highlight the domains that provide insight into how to teach, assess, and research in English as a second language. This chapter will provide basic acronyms needed by English language instructors in TESOL to situate their work and learn more about it. Proficiency levels, which describe levels of language development, will be presented. Finally, the interdisciplinary nature of TESOL and specializations within the field will be discussed.

      Learning Outcomes

      At the conclusion of this chapter, you will be able to:

       compare and contrast the unique attributes of different contexts of English language learning

       define common acronyms in the field

       apply knowledge of proficiency levels to lesson planning, delivery, and instruction

       connect the disciplines that inform the study of second/additional language learning

       describe the interdisciplinary nature of TESOL

       discuss the specializations of professionals in the field

      In this vignette, you will read about two locations where English is taught and how the context influences the instruction. Observe the differences and reflect upon how you envision your future English language teaching or which example mostly closely aligns with your current instructional setting and practices.

      TESOL Voices

      Diverse Learners, Diverse Settings

      In Melbourne Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) in Melbourne, Australia, 12 adults ranging from 23 to 51 enter their English language class after leaving their children at the associated childcare center nearby. They are present to learn basic English language skills for participating in their jobs and conducting personal business in the community. Most of the students speak Mandarin or Arabic, but some are native speakers of Urdu or Vietnamese. One characteristic they all have in common is they are recent immigrants to Australia. Some of them arrived due to humanitarian reasons (e.g., political unrest, famine, or war); others for economic opportunities. They are greeted warmly by name by a teacher and three tutors and take their individual folder from the cabinet. Tutors sit down close by individuals or pairs and begin working with them. Each individual or small group is working on a different topic and level. In one pair, a tutor is presenting new vocabulary of items in a grocery store. The two older women say the vocabulary word aloud after the teacher. In a small group, the tutor is helping the students in a guided reading on conducting a job search. One student sits at a computer and takes an exam on business English terminology. The last group work with the teacher who is helping them with the academic reading skill of making inferences. Their class will last roughly 2 hr this evening, so they can pick up their children and return home at a reasonable hour.

      All of these examples represent some of the variations of English teaching contexts and instruction. In each of these contexts, the learner population will be different. We will next talk about the acronyms used in the field and how they describe populations of learners; however, while we start here, we would like you to imagine the students in these different locales and keep the learners and learning at the forefront of your mind while reading.

      The World of TESOL Through Acronyms

      TESOL, in the simplest definition of the term, is teaching English to people who do not speak English as a first language. In this sense, the term TESOL is an umbrella term for many other related concepts. These related concepts are typically represented in acronyms.

      Individuals encountering the field of TESOL are often struck by the number of acronyms associated with our community. These acronyms, while plentiful and a bit overwhelming, provide insiders with shortcuts to arrive at understandings quickly and demonstrate who is knowledgeable about the field and who is current in their understandings

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