Globalization. George Ritzer

Globalization - George  Ritzer

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Imperialism: An Empirical Study. London: George Allen and Unwin Limited.

      55 Hollander, Paul. 1992. Anti-Americanism: Critiques at Home and Abroad, 1965–1990. New York: Oxford University Press.

      56 Hodson, Joel. 2001. “‘Intercourse in Every Direction’: America as Global Phenomenon.” Global Networks 1 (1): 79–87.

      57 Huntington, Samuel P. 2011. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order. New York: Simon and Schuster.

      58 Inda, Jonathan Xavier, and Renato Rosaldo. 2008. “Tracking Global Flows.” In Jonathan Xavier Indaand Renato Rosaldo, eds., The Anthropology of Globalization: A Reader, 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 3-46.

      59 Inglis, David. 2017. “Cultural Imperialism.” In B. Turner, C. Kyung-Sup, C. Epstein, P. Kivisto, W. Outhwaite, and J. Ryan, eds., The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Malden, MA; Wiley-Blackwell.

      60 JanMohamed, Abdul R.2006. “The Economy of Manichean Allegory.” In Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, eds., The Post-Colonial Reader, 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, pp. 19-23.

      61 Kroes, Rob, Robert W. Rydell, D. F. J. Bosscher, and John F. Sears. 1993. Cultural Transmissions and Receptions: American Mass Culture in Europe. Amsterdam: VU Press.

      62 Kuisel, Richard F.1993. Seducing the French: The Dilemma of Americanization. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

      63 Kuisel, Richard F.2003. “Debating Americanization: The Case of France.” In Ulrich Beck, Natan Sznaider, and Rainer Winter, eds., Global America? The Cultural Consequences of Globalization. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 95-113.

      64 Lenin, Vladimir. 1917/1939. Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism. New York: International Publishers.

      65 Lovato, Roberto. 2018. “Trumpismo and the Latin-Americanization of U.S. Politics.” Al Día April 12.

      66 Mahoney, James, and Diana Rodríguez-Franco. 2018. “Dependency Theory.” In C. Lacasterand N. van de Walle, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the Politics of Development. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 22-42.

      67 Markoff, John. 2007. “Imperialism.” In Jan Aart Scholteand Roland Robertson, eds., Encyclopedia of Globalization. New York: MTM Publishing.

      68 Matusitz, Jonathan. 2014. “Grobalization: An Analysis of the Wal-Martization of the World.” Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing 26 (4): 298–315.

      69 McCreary, Edward A.1962. The Americanization of Europe: The Impact of Americans and American Business on the Uncommon Market. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

      70 McMichael, Philip. 2016. Development and Social Change: A Global Perspective, 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

      71 Mulcahey, Kevin. 2017. “Combating Coloniality: The Cultural Policy of Post-Colonialism.” International Journal of Cultural Policy 23 (3): 237–253.

      72 Naim, Moisés. 2002. “Missing Links: Anti-Americanisms.” Foreign Policy 128.

      73 Nkrumah, Kwame. 1965. Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism. Atlantic Islands, NJ: Humanities Press International.

      74 Nordstrom, Carolyn. 2004. Shadows of War: Violence, Power, and International Profiteering in the Twenty-First Century. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

      75 Nye, Jr. Joseph. 2015. Is the American Century Over? Malden, MA: Polity Press.

      76 O’Connor, Brendon. 2007. “What Is Anti-Americanism?” In Brendon O’Connor, ed., Anti-Americanism: History, Causes, and Themes, Vol. 1: Causes and Sources. Oxford: Greenwood World Publishing, pp. 1-22.

      77 O’Connor, Brendon. 2012. “Anti-Americanism.” In George Ritzer, ed., Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

      78 Pew Research Center. 2017. “U.S. Image Suffers as Publics around World Question Trump’s Leadership.” June 26.

      79 Pont-Sorribes, Carles, Sergi Cortiñas-Rovira, Marcel Mauri, and Felipe Alonso-Marcos. 2018. “Is There Americanization in Catalan Election Campaigns? A Decade of Electoral Communication Strategies from Postmodernist Perspective.” American Behavioral Scientist 2(3): 375–390.

      80 Preble, Christopher. 2018. “Adapting to American Decline.” New York Times April 21.

      81 Reuters. 2019. “Outcry as Turkey Orders Rerun of Istanbul Mayoral Election.” The Guardian May 6.

      82 Ritschel, Chelsea. 2019. “The Ten Countries with the Most Starbucks Locations.” Independent January 30.

      83 Ritzer, George. 1995. Expressing America: A Critique of the Global Credit Card Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

      84 Ritzer, George. 2001. “Hyperrationality: An Extension of Weberian and Neo-Weberian Theory.” In George Ritzer, ed., Explorations in Social Theory. London: Sage.

      85 Ritzer, George. 2009. Enchanting a Disenchanted World, 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

      86 Ritzer, George. 2018. The McDonaldization of Society: Into the Digital Age, 9th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

      87 Rumford, Chris. 2007c. “More than a Game: Globalization and the Post-Westernization of World Cricket.” In Richard Giulianottiand Roland Robertson, eds., Globalization and Sport. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 94-106.

      88 Said, Edward W.1979/1994. Orientalism. New York: Vintage Books.

      89 Sandlin, Jennifer, and Julie Garlen, eds. 2016. Disney, Culture, and Curriculum. New York: Routledge.

      90 Schalit, Naomi. 2018. “Why anti-American Sentiment Is Weaker under Trump than It Was under George W. Bush.” The Conversation September 12.

      91 Sen, Amartya. 2002. “How to Judge Globalism.” The American Prospect 13 (1): 1-14.

      92 Servan-Schreiber, J.-J.1968. The American Challenge. New York: Atheneum.

      93 Singh, Robert. 2006. “Are We All Americans Now? Explaining Anti-Americanisms.” In Brendan O’Connorand Martin Griffiths, eds., The Rise of Anti-Americanism. New York: Routledge, pp. 25-47.

      94 Singh, Robert. 2007. “Guns, Capital Punishment and Anti-Americanism.” In Brendon O’Connor, ed., Anti-Americanism: History, Causes, and Themes, Vol. 1: Causes and Sources. Oxford: Greenwood World Publishing.

      95 Smith, John2016. Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation, and Capitalism’s Final Crisis. New York: Monthly Review Press.

      96 Steinmetz, George. 2016. “Social Fields, Subfields and Social Spaces at the Scale of Empires: Explaining the Colonial State and Colonial Sociology.” The Sociological Review Monographs 64 (2): 98–123.

      97 Strange, Susan. 1996. The Retreat of the State: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

      98 Sznaider, Natan. 2003. “The Americanisation of Memory: The Case of the Holocaust.” In Ulrich Beck, Natan Sznaider, and Rainer Winter, eds., Global America? The Cultural Consequences of Globalization. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 174-188.

      99 Taylor, Henry. 2015. “Who Is the World’s Biggest Employer? The Answer Might Not Be What You Expect.” World Economic Forum June 17.

      100 Tharoor, Ishaan. 2017. “Trump Is the U.S.’s First Latin American President.” Washington Post January 26.

      101 Tisall, Simon. 2020. “US’s Global Reputation Hits Rock-Bottom over Trump’s Coronavirus Response.” The Guardian April 12.

      102 Velasco, Jesús. 2017. “Unsurprisingly, Mexicans Held a Much More Favourable View Towards the United States before Trump.” USApp – American Politics and Policy Blog (07 Jul 2017). Blog Entry.

      103 Viterna, Jocelyn, and Cassandra Robertson. 2015. “New Directions for the Sociology of Development.” Annual Review of Sociology 41: 243–269.

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