Industry 4.1. Группа авторов

Industry 4.1 - Группа авторов

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message format.Figure 3.19 Connect.Figure 3.20 Data.Figure 3.21 Disconnect.Figure 3.22 Linktest.Figure 3.23 HSMS can share network with other TCP/IP protocols.Figure 3.24 SECS‐I and HSMS‐SS protocol stacks.Figure 3.25 Interface A Standards on equipment.Figure 3.26 Interface A Integrated Scenario.Figure 3.27 E132 Authentication model.Figure 3.28 CEM example – diagram of a conveyor system.Figure 3.29 CEM example – photo of a conveyor system.Figure 3.30 CEM example‐conveyor CEM description diagram.Figure 3.31 E125 Equipment metadata.Figure 3.32 Example of CEM and EqSD – conveyor system.Figure 3.33 E164 in CEM and EqSD.Figure 3.34 Overview of data collection.Figure 3.35 Data collection manager and consumer interfaces.Figure 3.36 Definition of data collection report.Figure 3.37 Definition and example of event report.Figure 3.38 Definition and example of exception report.Figure 3.39 Definition of trace report.Figure 3.40 Example of trace data collection.Figure 3.41 Example of DCR buffering.Figure 3.42 Automation pyramid.Figure 3.43 Illustrative use case of OPC clients and servers.Figure 3.44 Foundations of OPC‐UAFigure 3.45 OPU‐UA architecture.Figure 3.46 Architecture overview of an OPC‐UA client and an OPC‐UA server....Figure 3.47 OPC‐UA security model.Figure 3.48 Sequence diagram of operating procedure between a pair of OPC‐UA...Figure 3.49 Intelligent Manufacturing architecture in the FCCL industry.Figure 3.50 Monitoring and control system architecture of Coater by applying...Figure 3.51 Use cases of data manipulation.Figure 3.52 Sequence diagram of Data Collection.Figure 3.53 Sequence diagram of recipe download.

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Architecture of virtual machines on top of hypervisor and physica...Figure 4.2 Comparison of cloud computing service models.Figure 4.3 Architecture of the three cloud deployment models.Figure 4.4 Traditional IT utilization of enterprises and factories using on‐...Figure 4.5 Manufacturing company or factory utilizing cloud computing to ext...Figure 4.6 Simplified generic system architecture of cloud manufacturing (CM...Figure 4.7 Architecture and operational flow of the cloud‐based AVM system....Figure 4.8 Generic three‐layer cloud‐based IoT architecture.Figure 4.9 MQTT Publish/Subscribe architecture for the communication of IoT....Figure 4.10 AMQP Publish/Subscribe architecture for the communication of IoT...Figure 4.11 Cloud‐based IoT architecture with an edge computing layer.Figure 4.12 Application of IoT and edge computing in wheel machining.Figure 4.13 Software stack for a HDS server.Figure 4.14 Programming in DRS.

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Comparison of virtual machines and Docker containers.Figure 5.2 Illustration of Docker containers running on virtual machines.Figure 5.3 Constituent components of Docker Engine.Figure 5.4 A high‐level view of Docker architecture with some of its workflo...Figure 5.5 Architecture of a Linux Docker host.Figure 5.6 Architecture of a Windows Docker host.Figure 5.7 Architecture of Windows Server Containers.Figure 5.8 Architecture of Hyper‐V Containers.Figure 5.9 Anatomy of a Docker container image.Figure 5.10 An example of Dockerfile.Figure 5.11 The process of building an image.Figure 5.12 The history of the pythonapp:latest image.Figure 5.13 The sizes of two Linux container images.Figure 5.14 A shorthand Dockerfile for building a Linux container image.Figure 5.15 The stacked layers of the Linux container image built by the Doc...Figure 5.16 A shorthand Dockerfile for building a Windows container image.Figure 5.17 The stacked layers of the Windows container image built by the D...Figure 5.18 Illustration of many containers sharing the same image layers.Figure 5.19 Architecture of the container network model (CNM) for Linux cont...Figure 5.20 Architecture of bridge networking.Figure 5.21 Architecture of host networking.Figure 5.22 Architecture of none networking.Figure 5.23 Architecture of overlay networking.Figure 5.24 Architecture of CNM for Windows containers.Figure 5.25 Workflow of building, shipping, and deploying a containerized ap...Figure 5.26 An example Dockerfile for building a Linux web application image...Figure 5.27 Building steps of the Linux web application image.Figure 5.28 Execution results of the docker tag and docker push commands.Figure 5.29 Screenshot showing that the “imrc/example‐linux” image has been ...Figure 5.30 Execution result of the docker pull command.Figure 5.31 Execution result of the docker run command.Figure 5.32 Screenshot displaying the home page of the running containerized...Figure 5.33 An example Dockerfile for building a Windows web application ima...Figure 5.34 Building steps of the Windows web application image.Figure 5.35 Execution result of the docker push command.Figure 5.36 Screenshot showing that the “imrc/example‐windows” image has bee...Figure 5.37 Docker pull command's execution result on a Windows Docker host....Figure 5.38 Execution result of the docker run command.Figure 5.39 Screenshot displaying the home page of the running containerized...Figure 5.40 Architecture of Kubernetes.Figure 5.41 Creation Process of a Pod.Figure 5.42 System architecture with three Control Plane Nodes.Figure 5.43 System architecture with the stacked etcd topology.Figure 5.44 System architecture with the external etcd topology.Figure 5.45 System architecture without ingress.Figure 5.46 System architecture with ingress.Figure 5.47 Two phases of scheduler.Figure 5.48 Ready status of the control plane node.Figure 5.49 Dashboard while the control plane node is ready.Figure 5.50 Generating the join token of the control plane.Figure 5.51 Worker node joining the cluster by the join token.Figure 5.52 Status of the cluster shown by kubectl.Figure 5.53 Status of the worker1 shown in dashboard.Figure 5.54 Example of a YAML fileFigure 5.55 Deploying the httpd service by applying example.yaml.Figure 5.56 Status of Pods shown in dashboard.Figure 5.57 Screenshot displaying a workable httpd service.

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Architecture design of the AMCoT framework.Figure 6.2 Functional block diagram of the AVM server.Figure 6.3 Functional block diagram of the BPM scheme in the IPM server.Figure 6.4 Functional block diagram of the KSA scheme in the IYM server.Figure 6.5 Cloud‐based iFA system platform.Figure 6.6 Server‐based iFA system platform.

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Architecture design of the AMCoT framework.Figure 7.2 An example of intelligent manufacturing platform based on the AMC...Figure 7.3 Framework of CPA.Figure 7.4 Framework of CPAC.Figure 7.5 System architecture of RCSCPA.Figure 7.6 Horizontal auto‐scaling mechanism of PAMC’s in RCSCPA.Figure 7.7 Load balance mechanism of PAMC’s in RCSCPA.Figure 7.8 Failover mechanism among the Pods of a PAMC in RCSCPA.Figure 7.9 Screenshot showing that a Kubernetes cluster has been created, an...Figure 7.10 Screenshot showing that the BPMC has four Pods for load balance....Figure 7.11 Screenshot showing that the four Pods of the BPMC are distribute...Figure 7.12 Health‐gauging web GUI of the BPMC, which contains four Pods wor...Figure 7.13 Framework of the big‐data‐analytics application platform.Figure 7.14 Comparison of query times using four types of data table in expe...Figure 7.15 Comparison of query times using four types of data format in exp...Figure 7.16 Architecture of the proposed BEDPS.Figure 7.17 Three‐phase workflow of MSACS.Figure 7.18 System architecture of MSACS.Figure 7.19 Hierarchical information of a Jar SSLP in a Java decompiler.Figure 7.20 Hierarchical information of a C# DLL SSLP in a C# decompiler....Figure 7.21 Generic KI extraction algorithm of SSLPs.Figure 7.22 Illustration of the Lib. Info. Template in JSON.Figure 7.23 Illustration of the SI Info. Template in JSON.Figure 7.24 C# WSP template.Figure 7.25 Example of “APIController.cs” for C# WSP template.Figure 7.26 Flowchart of the automated source code generation.Figure 7.27 Result of automated code generation for the WSP template in Figu...Figure 7.28 Automated service construction mechanism designed in Server Cons...Figure 7.29 Web GUI of MSACS.Figure 7.30 GUI showing the method information in the AVMService.dll.Figure 7.31 GUI showing the web API information of the AVM service.Figure 7.32 GUI for conducting virtual metrology using the created AVM CMfg ...Figure 7.33 Four‐phase workflow of MSACSC.

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Comparison between actual metrology and virtual metrology.Figure 8.2 Current physical metrology operating scenarios.Figure 8.3 Tool and process monitoring without and with VM.Figure 8.4 Illustration of a false alarm and a missed detection.Figure 8.5 Automatic Virtual Metrology (AVM) system.Figure 8.6 AVM server.Figure 8.7 Advanced dual‐phase VM algorithm.Figure 8.8 Plugging AVM into the MES framework.Figure 8.9 Relationships among AVM, MES components, and R2R controllers.Figure 8.10 Operating scenarios among AVM, MES components, and R2R controlle...Figure 8.11 Collaboration diagram for integrating AVM into MES.Figure 8.12 Model of EWMA R2R control.Figure 8.13 W2W control scheme utilizing VM [15, 16, 32].Figure 8.14 AVM server with PreY input.Figure 8.15 Schematic Diagram of Defining RI for Normal Distribution.Figure 8.16 Schematic diagram of defining RIW for Weibull distribution.Figure 8.17 W2W control scheme utilizing AVM with RI and GSI. (a) Complete W...Figure 8.18 Simulation

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