Surgery of Exotic Animals. Группа авторов
and Mandibulectomy References
30 23 Large Mammal Dental Surgery Introduction Preprocedure Considerations Terminology Elephants Tusks Partial Pulpectomy Tusk Extraction Molars Chronic Alveolar Osteitis and Osteomyelitis Surgical Fistulation References
31 24 Primate Surgery Personal Protective Equipment and Zoonotic Concerns During Surgery Integument and Appendages Respiratory Tract Abdominal Surgery Trichobezoar and Phytobezoar Gastrointestinal Neoplasms Reproductive Surgery Acknowledgment References
32 25 Marine Mammal Surgery Background Surgery of Pinnipeds Surgery of Cetaceans References
33 26 Megavertebrate Laparoscopy Instrumentation Elephant Laparoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery Vasectomy Functional Ovariectomy Body Wall Closure Rhinoceros Laparoscopy Ovariectomy Hippopotamus Laparoscopy References
34 27 Zoo Animal Surgery General Considerations Surgeries References
35 28 Surgical Oncology in Exotics Principles of Surgical Oncology and Application to Exotics Birds Rabbits Ferrets Rodents Reptiles References
36 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Loss of approximately 20% of total blood volume results in cardio...
2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Percentage of retained tensile strength following implantation an...
3 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Preferred and alternative methods of IM pin fixation.Table 10.2 Fracture stabilization methods.Table 10.3 Stabilization techniques for luxations.
4 Chapter 17Table 17.1 A summary of the differences between gut stasis, a moving foreig...
5 Chapter 24Table 24.1 Overview of common routes of NHP zoonotic exposure and partial l...Table 24.2 Variations in number of upper and lower respiratory structures f...
6 Chapter 25Table 25.1 Pharmaceutical options for management of pinnipeds post cataract...
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 The surgeon must adhere to proper aseptic technique wearing clean...Figure 1.2 This 1.2 kg patient is being draped for a thoracotomy. First quar...Figure 1.3 Straight and right‐angled hemostatic clip appliers are available....Figure 1.4 A “hemostatic taco” made of gelatin sponge (G) wrapped in oxidize...Figure 1.5 An Alm retractor (a) uses a thumb screw to open the jaws, while t...Figure 1.6 The Lone Star retractor system consists of a plastic ring with no...Figure 1.7 Microsurgical instruments should be a standard length with miniat...Figure 1.8 Hold the instruments like a pen (a) and not across the palm (b) f...Figure 1.9 The basic microsurgical pack should consist of a needle holder, s...Figure 1.10 Ophthalmic bulb syringe is useful for irrigation in small patien...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Inflammatory reactions after implantation