Physics of Thin-Film Photovoltaics. Victor G. Karpov

Physics of Thin-Film Photovoltaics - Victor G. Karpov

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      The above discussed drift and diffusion times,

      (1) image

      describe how long it take for a charge carrier to travel distance l to the device terminals. These times must be short enough to avoid significant electron-hole recombination. If the characteristic recombination time is τr, we must require that the relevant transport time to device terminals, τE or τD be shorter than τr. The corresponding criteria are discussed in Sec. XVI below. Here, it suffices to note that τr is extremely sensitive to material parameters and device structure, which brings in multiple elements of materials science and PV technology. In particular, recombination processes are strongly facilitated by structural defects (imperfections, impurities, surface states) that depend on details of material composition; interfacial recombination can play a significant role for some junctions, etc.

Schematic illustration of Diffusion of the photogenerated electrons and holes to the electrodes in a ‘thick’ device.

      Based on the latter estimate, thin film PV can operate in the opposite limit τ ≪ τr where the role of defect related recombination is on average insignificant. Unfortunately, they have other vulnerabilities related to lateral nonuniformity of their parameters. From a very general point of view, such nonuniformity originates from the lack of transversal self-averaging across too thin structures, which allows significant fluctuations between different spots. Due to device thinness, some sparse spots represent parasitic conductive paths (ohmic or non-ohmic) between opposite electrodes. These paths work as recombination highways degrading PV efficiency. We emphasize that such a nonuniform recombination is qualitatively different from that by point defects in thick PV and call for different mitigating strategies.

      D. Distinctive Features of Thin Film PV

Schematic illustration of electrodes avoiding interactions with recombination centers.
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