Сети города. Люди. Технологии. Власти. Коллектив авторов

Сети города. Люди. Технологии. Власти - Коллектив авторов

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      P. 1–14.


      Dodge M., Kitchin R. Codes of life: Identification codes and the machine-readable world // Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 2005. Vol. 23. № 6. P. 851–881.


      Kitchin R. The opportunities, challenges and risks of big data for official statistics // Statistical Journal of the International Association of Official Statistics. 2015. Vol. 31. № 3. P. 471–481.


      Kitchin R., Lauriault T., McArdle G. Knowing and governing cities through urban indicators, city benchmarking and real-time dashboards // Regional Studies, Regional Science. 2015. Vol. 2. № 1. P. 6–28.


      Miller H. J. The data avalanche is here. Shouldn’t we be digging? // Journal of Regional Science. 2010. Vol. 50. № 1. P. 181–201; Kitchin R. The data revolution: Big data, open data, data infrastructures and their consequences. London: Sage, 2014.


      Kelling S., Hochachka W., Fink D., Riedewald M., Caruana R., Ballard G., Hooker G. Data-intensive science: A new paradigm for biodiversity studies // BioScience. 2009. Vol. 59. № 7. P. 613–620.


      Handbook of research on urban informatics: The practice and promise of the real-time city / Ed. by M. Foth. New York: IGI Global, 2009.


      Batty M. The new science of cities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013.


      Flood J. The fires: How a computer formula, big ideas, and the best of intentions burned down New York city – and determined the future of cities. New York: Riverhead, 2011; Townsend A. Smart cities: Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for a new utopia. New York: W. W. Norton & Co, 2013.


      Hollands R. G. Will the real smart city please stand up? // City. 2008. Vol. 12. № 3. P. 303–320; Wolfram M. Deconstructing smart cities: An intertextual reading of concepts and practices for integrated urban and ICT development // REAL CORP 2012: Re-mixing the city: Towards sustainability and resilience? / Ed. by M. Schrenk, V. V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P. Elisei. Schwechat: CORP, 2012. P. 171–181; Söderström O., Paasche T., Klauser F. Smart cities as corporate storytelling // City. 2014. Vol. 18. № 3. P. 307–320; Vanolo A. Smartmentality: The smart city as disciplinary strategy // Urban Studies. 2014. Vol. 51. № 5. P. 883–898.


      Graham S., Marvin S. Splintering urbanism: Networked infrastructures, technological mobilities and the urban condition. New York: Routledge, 2001; Kitchin R., Dodge M. Code/Space: Software and everyday life. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011.


      Cohen B. What exactly is a smart city? // Fast Co.Exist. 2012. September 19. URL: http://www.fastcoexist.com/1680538/what-exactly-is-a-smart-city; Hollands R. G. Will the real smart city please stand up; Townsend A. Smart cities: Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for a new utopia.


      Kitchin R., Lauriault T., McArdle G. Knowing and governing cities through urban indicators, city benchmarking and real-time dashboards.


      Greenfield A. Against the smart city. New York: Do Publications, 2013.


      Morozov E. To save everything, click here: Technology, solutionism, and the urge to fix problems that don’t exist. New York: Allen Lane, 2013.


      Datta A. New urban utopias of postcolonial India: «Entrepreneurial urbanization» in Dholera smart city, Gujarat // Dialogues in Human Geography. 2015. Vol. 5. № 1. P. 3–22.


      Kitchin R. The data revolution: Big data, open data, data infrastructures and their consequences.


      Hollands R. G. Will the real smart city please stand up?


      Kitchin R., Dodge M. Code/Space: Software and everyday life; Townsend A. Smart cities: Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for a new utopia.


      Graham S. Software-sorted geographies // Progress in Human Geography. 2005. Vol. 29. № 5. P. 562–580; Kitchin R. The real-time city?


      Kitchin R. The data revolution: Big data, open data, data infrastructures and their consequences.


      Foucault M. The confession of the flesh // Foucault M. Power/knowledge Selected interviews and other writings. 1972–1977 / Ed. by C. Gordon. New York: Pantheon Books, 1980. P. 194.


      Bowker G. Memory practices in the sciences. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005; «Raw data» is an oxymoron / Ed. by L. Gitelman. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013.


      См.: URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E3RpGMKbhg.


      Kitchin R., Dodge M. Code/Space: Software and everyday life; Townsend A. Smart cities: Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for a new utopia.


      Mims Ch. Coming soon: The cybercrime of things // The Atlantic. 2013. August 6. URL: http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/08/coming-soon-the-cybercrime-of-things/278409.


      Paganini P. Israeli road control system hacked, causes traffic jam on Haifa highway // The Hacker News. 2013. October 28. URL: http://thehackernews.com/2013/10/israeli-road-control-system-hacked.html.


      Townsend A. Smart cities: Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for a new utopia.


      Clarke R. Information technology and dataveillance // Communications of the ACM. 1988. Vol. 31. № 5. P. 498–512; Raley R. Dataveillance and countervailance // «Raw data» is an oxymoron / Ed. by L. Gitelman. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013. P. 121–146.


      Crampton J. Cartographic rationality and the politics of geosurveillance and security // Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 2003. Vol. 30. № 2. P. 135–148.


      Dodge M., Kitchin R. Codes of life: Identification codes and the machine-readable world.



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