Beyond Emotional Intelligence. S. Michele Nevarez
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Praise for Beyond Emotional Intelligence
“Michele Nevarez has done it! Her years of study and personal experience have come together in a beautiful way to deliver Beyond Emotional Intelligence. This is a book that melds intellect with humanity and provides a framework for truly understanding mind-based habits facilitating an existence with life's most valuable riches.”
—Kim Ades President and Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching and The Journal That Talks Back
“Finally, a book that focuses on developing the inner landscape and habits that have profound impact on the quality of our life experience. Brilliant, insightful and actionable practices to take living to the next level through leveraging the power of your mind and the abilities you hold within to shape your everyday experience.”
—Carla Reeves Mindset Coach and Host of the podcast, Differently
“Beyond Emotional Intelligence takes the imperative yet intellectual subject of emotional intelligence and makes it as accessible as having a conversation about your most favorite ideas. This book creates a pathway for a generation of thinkers, doers and dreamers from all walks of life to understand themselves and those around them better. To me, it is a must-read.”
—Deepak Ramola Founder and Artistic Director of Project FUEL
Copyright © 2022 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
Published simultaneously in Canada.
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