Shaping Future 6G Networks. Группа авторов
with new entrants in some countries (e.g. United Kingdom, United States, and Germany) being able to access spectrum for highly localized deployments. It is possible that further disruption to classic spectrum allocation models will also take place, which may change the radio access requirements that are at the heart of any mobile system, and thus lead to further divergence from 3GPP activities.
In conclusion, by asking questions about future standardization, we are really asking whether we need a single set of standards – as we have today – to fulfil the requirements of the next IMT. The fact is that we do not need such a single standard; we happened to have one for 5G, but the answer must be “not necessarily” for 6G – provided that any standard meets the requirements of IMT‐2030 and provided there is sufficient political and industry support to ensure that alternative approaches gain commercial momentum.
Whether we will see true fragmentation remains moot. That depends on willingness to assume the burden of creating a solution to the challenge of realizing IMT‐2030, but the effort required to do so will be assisted by the new openness of the network and the sheer power of both governments and new industrial players, which have not previously been considered as factors. They are now, which the industry, analysts, and media clearly recognize. 3GPP will provide a solution for 6G, but it is increasingly likely that there will be multiple efforts to achieve the same goals. As a result, all stakeholders must consider this deviation – and whether they want to support existing bodies or to form new coalitions for the realization of 6G.
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