Business Trends in Practice. Бернард Марр

Business Trends in Practice - Бернард Марр

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editing plant genomes, their resistance to pests and diseases can be increased, leading to higher yields and less dependence on harmful chemicals. For example, researchers at Penn State University are working on creating genetically enhanced cacao trees that will be resistant to the disease and fungus that destroys up to 30 percent of the worldwide cacao crop before their pods can be harvested.14 Creating disease-resistant crops like this will play a vital role in feeding our planet in future.

      As well as editing genes, it is also possible to synthesize an organism's entire genome. As early as 2002, scientists were able to create the polio virus from scratch by synthesizing its genome. This brings us on to the topic of synthetic biology – or the field of science that's devoted to redesigning organisms. Synthetic biology is similar to gene editing (the ability to read and edit genes lies at the heart of synthetic biology), but while gene editing tools can be used to make small changes to DNA, synthetic biology can involve stitching together long strands of DNA and inserting them into an organism. As a result, the organism may behave differently, have new abilities, or be able to produce a specific substance (such as a fuel).

      Judging by the advances scientists are making with microorganisms, it's clear powerful things can come in very small packages. Let's shrink that down even further and take a quick look at nanotechnology and materials science.

      Nanotechnology is important because, when we look at objects and materials at a nanoscopic level, we can understand more about how they work. (Some substances also behave differently and have completely different properties at an atomic level.) As an example, silk may feel incredibly soft and delicate to the touch, but at a nano level, it's made up of molecules aligned in cross-links, which is what makes it so strong. We can use knowledge like this to manipulate other materials at a nano level, to create super-strong, state-of-the-art materials like Kevlar, or products that are lighter, or any other conceivable improvement to products and components. This is where the technology bit of nanotechnology comes in – using our knowledge of materials at a nano level to create new solutions. In this way, the study of materials at a nano level could be considered almost a subfield of materials science, the discipline that focuses on studying and manipulating materials.

      Technology and energy are inextricably linked, so we can't discuss tech mega-trends without referring to new energy solutions. Renewable energy solutions, specifically wind and solar, have certainly grown in efficiency, affordability, and availability in recent years. But let's look at a couple of new energy sources that may be on the horizon: nuclear fusion and green hydrogen. (Head to Chapter 3 to see how the wider energy sector is undergoing a transformation.)

      Fusion is not to be confused with fission, the energy source in current nuclear power stations, which is created by splitting an atom's nucleus. Fusion, which is what powers the Sun, is created when two light atoms fuse into one under extreme temperature and pressure conditions – and because the mass of the newly created single atom is less than the original two atoms, the “spare” mass is given off as energy. Maintaining the extreme temperatures and intense pressure needed has proven difficult, but this is where recent progress has been made, largely thanks to advances in magnet technology. And this means we may see a nuclear fusion reactor deliver a net power output by 2035.

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