Property Management Kit For Dummies. Robert S. Griswold
the close of escrow or completion of the sale, is the time to ask tough questions and make sure that you verify everything you have been told and are counting on getting in writing. (Escrow is an account for funds and documents held by a neutral third party in a real estate transfer until all the conditions have been met, per the written instructions of the seller and buyer.) Don’t be shy. To be sure that you know what you’re getting, talk to the tenants; the neighbors; any homeowners’ association; local government agencies, including law enforcement and any rent-control board or similar organization; and the property’s contractors or suppliers. Search the web for public information such as code violations, police reports, and registered-sex-offender tenants. When you’re in this situation, remember my favorite motto: no surprises.
Most sellers are honest and don’t intentionally withhold information or fail to disclose important facts. But the adage “Buyer beware” rings particularly true in the purchase of residential rental real estate. Resolving questions and issues now through regular communication with your seller eliminates some very unpleasant and possibly contentious disagreements with your tenants in the future.
In the following sections, I cover some items that you must have in writing before the deal is final. At
, you will find a Property Takeover Checklist for small and large properties.
A comprehensive list of personal property included in the sale
Take an inventory of all the personal property included in the sale. This list may include appliances, equipment, and supplies owned by the seller.
A copy of the entire tenant file of each current tenant
Make sure that you have all the appropriate paperwork in the tenant files. These documents include rental applications with the credit screening and criminal-background reports, current and past rental contracts, move-in inspection checklists, full payment history (and any rent-increase documents), all legal notices, maintenance work orders or service requests, current contact information, a tenant complaint or communication log, and all written correspondence (letter/email/text) sent to or received from each and every tenant.
A seller-verified rent roll and list of all tenant security deposits
A rent roll is a list of detailed information about every rental unit at the rental property, including the tenants’ names, current and market rent, any additional fees (such as for parking, pets, and storage), rent due dates, move-in dates, lease expiration dates, past-due rent, prepaid rent, rent concessions, and security deposits. Be sure that you get a written seller statement that no undisclosed verbal agreements or concessions have been made with any tenant regarding any aspect of the tenancy, including rent security deposits, unit upgrades, renewal options, payment of utilities, or any other aspects of the financial terms of the lease or rental agreement. Ensure that when interest must be paid on security deposit balances, you collect the deposits (plus all accrued interest to date) at closing.
When acquiring an occupied rental property, be sure to follow state or local laws in properly handling the tenant’s security deposit. Most state laws require the seller and/or purchaser of a rental property to advise the tenants in writing of the status of their security deposit. These laws usually give the seller the right to return the deposit to the tenant or transfer the deposit to the new owner. Here’s why you want the latter to happen:
If the seller refunds the security deposits, you have to collect them from tenants who are already in possession of the rental units. Avoid this scenario by strongly urging the seller to give you credit for the full amount of the security deposits on hand in escrow, and have each tenant agree in writing to the amount of the security deposit transferred during the sale. Close the loop by sending each tenant a letter confirming their security deposit amount.
If the seller transfers the security deposits to the buyer — rather than returning the deposits to the tenants — make sure that you receive in cash (or as a credit in escrow) an amount equal to all the security deposits held (plus all accrued interest owed to the tenants, if any). Remember that if you do get a credit in escrow, you must have available funds be able to refund the remaining balances (after taking proper and legal deductions) of any tenant security deposits when the tenants move out.