Posthuman Feminism. Rosi Braidotti

Posthuman Feminism - Rosi  Braidotti

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machine, but present it as a mere matter of managing resources, including human capital and environmental governance. The technological reductivism of the transhumanists is the exact opposite of environmentalism, which – as we shall see in the next chapter – predicates a materially embodied and embedded ontological egalitarianism across the species. By comparison with the digital sophistication of transhumanism, environmentalism often gets dismissed as naïve. Viveiros de Castro (2014) emphasizes that, in so far as it connects to Indigenous and more specifically Amerindian cosmologies, which are diametrically opposite to the western Singularity, an environmentally grounded approach is charged with primitivism. This world view posits a common belonging to a sense of ‘humanity’ that is shared with all living entities. All that lives partakes of the same soul and expresses it through the specific perspective that each entity embodies. Radical perspectivism is the key term, at once relational and site-specific or grounded. This relational ontology pitches anthropomorphism against anthropocentrism, in that it positions humans in their own specificity as species alongside other species, thereby undoing their claim to exceptionalism. This advanced perspectivist philosophy is also known as ‘multinaturalism’ (Viveiros de Castro, 2014). It exposes the transhumanist delusion in all its exclusionary force.

      Posthumanism feminism is wary of, but also embedded in, this scenario, ‘interrogating it for its triumphalist rupture from the animal, its complicity with the class politics of big capital and its fantasmatic investment in patriarchy’ (Banerji and Paranjape, 2016: 2). By questioning the global practices and narratives of the transhumanist transformations of the human, posthuman feminism voices the perspectives of the margins and the global peripheries of the contemporary world.

      Posthuman feminism is an intervention upon the legacy of neoliberal and socialist feminisms as well as on the transhumanist delusion. A posthuman turn is needed as a corrective and alternative to the intersecting critiques of power. I see feminism as repositioning the mixed legacy of humanism in a profoundly different historical context from that which generated it. Feminism today needs to be a transformative, not just an egalitarian movement. I concur with Iris van der Tuin that ‘feminism is the struggle against sexism, homophobia, transphobia and other intersecting forms of structural power imbalances based on naturalizations of inequality’ (van der Tuin, 2015: xiii). As such, not only is it more necessary than ever, but I also think activists should keep some critical distance from the very institutions they have gained the right to enter, occupy and sometimes even run. How can one still cultivate the world-changing passions of feminism, while ensuring the gradual success of its reforms? Where are the radical forces today?

      The feminist posthuman answer is multi-layered. In addition to criticizing the social injustices implied in the neoliberal position, and thus striking an alliance with the traditional socialist feminist politics, it also deepens the analysis of advanced capitalism and its concomitant technoscience and bio-genetic technologies. Posthuman feminism revives the radical tradition by offering an updated analysis of cognitive capitalism, based on the study of its advanced technologies, while situating these advances within the ecological crisis and environmental deterioration. As I argue in this book, posthuman feminism has a more adequate analysis of contemporary transversal relations of power, having relinquished the liberal notion of the autonomous individual as well as the socialist ideal of one privileged revolutionary historical subject.

      Transcendentalist claims to exceptionalism (such as found in transhumanism) are cut down to size through an emphasis on immanence and the recognition of our mutual interdependence. ‘We’ are definitely in this posthuman convergence together – in the injustices, the staggering technological developments, the epidemics and other environmental devastations, alongside promises of technological evolution. Our social imaginary is fraught with planetary anxieties and increasing contradictions. In such a context, rejecting human exceptionalism is a way of embracing the immanence of a life that we do not own. Life is not restricted to hegemonic ‘Man’, but includes his multiple, disposable and despised others. A posthuman approach avoids the recreation of a pan-humanity that would dialectically absorb these others into a new superintelligence project. It rather calls for differential, materially embedded accounts of the respective prices ‘we’ are prepared to pay for being and staying alive here and now.

      1  1 This is changing nowadays in mainstream liberal feminism, however. For instance, international organizations like CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women), are currently proposing a recommendation on women and climate change.

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      6  6 With thanks to Djurdja Trajkovic.

      7  7 With thanks to Emily Jones.

      8  8 Rottenberg signals that several Silicon Valley firms cover ‘the cost of egg freezing as part of their employees’ benefits package’ (2018: 97).

      9  9 This digital database is produced by the reduction of a human corpse into thousands of tiny slices.

      10 10 For critical overviews of feminism and postmodernism, see hooks (1990), Nicholson (1990), Braidotti (1991, 2010), Butler and Scott (1992), Johnson (1998), Grewal and Kaplan (2001) and Gamble (2004).

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