A Practical Approach to Special Care in Dentistry. Группа авторов

A Practical Approach to Special Care in Dentistry - Группа авторов

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15-3Table 15.3.1 Considerations for dental management.Table 15.3.2 Diagnostic criteria according to the American Psychiatric Asso...Table 15.3.3 Clinical presentation of schizophrenia.Table 15.3.4 Antipsychotic medications and their characteristics.

      54 Chapter 15-4Table 15.4.1 Considerations for dental management.Table 15.4.2 Protective and risk factors related to substance consumption.Table 15.4.3 Recreational drugs, mode of action, examples and oral implicat...

      55 Chapter 15-5Table 15.5.1 Alcoholism‐related comordibities and orofacial manifestations.Table 15.5.2 Considerations for dental management.Table 15.5.3 Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), created by ...Table 15.5.4 Clinical presentation of alcohol consumption.Table 15.5.5 Classification of alcoholics according to demographics.Table 15.5.6 Medication commonly used in alcohol dependence.

      56 Chapter 16-1Table 16.1.1 Allergens with particular relevance to dentistry.Table 16.1.2 Basic series of allergens for analysing hypersensitivity to de...Table 16.1.3 Considerations for dental management.Table 16.1.4 Conditions that promote sensitisation and the development of a...

      57 Chapter 16-2Table 16.2.1 Recommended clinical protocol before starting antiresorptive t...Table 16.2.2 Risk assessment of medication‐related osteonecrosis of the jaw...Table 16.2.3 Drugs implicated in the development of medication‐related oste...Table 16.2.4 Other drugs considered to be implicated in the development of ...Table 16.2.5 Main risk factors for medication‐related osteonecrosis of the ...Table 16.2.6 Staging and management of medication‐related osteonecrosis of ...

      58 Chapter 16-3Table 16.3.1 Considerations for dental management.Table 16.3.2 Drugs prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.aTable 16.3.3 Systemic disorders during pregnancy.

      59 Chapter 16-4Table 16.4.1 General dental management considerations.Table 16.4.2 Airway assessment (L.E.M.O.N tool).Table 16.4.3 World Health Organization classification of weight by body mas...Table 16.4.4 Factors influencing the risk of obesity.Table 16.4.5 STOP‐Bang questionnaire for sleep apnoea.Table 16.4.6 Ethnicity‐specific obesity indices.

      60 Chapter 16-5Table 16.5.1 Barriers and enablers of oral healthcare in homelessness.Table 16.5.2 General dental management considerations.Table 16.5.3 Factors contributing to homelessness.Table 16.5.4 Prevalent medical conditions associated with homelessness.

      61 Chapter 16-6Table 16.6.1 Dental management considerations.

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1-1Figure 1.1.1 Patient with spastic cerebral palsy and preserved intellectual ...Figure 1.1.2 Extensive caries upper central incisors.Figure 1.1.3 (a) Severe malocclusion with anterior open bite. (b) Sialorrhoe...Figure 1.1.4 Patients who present in wheelchairs may have treatment provided...Figure 1.1.5 (a) Spastic cerebral palsy. (b) Hand deformity calls for adapti...

      2 Chapter 1-2Figure 1.2.1 Patient with uncontrolled epilepsy wearing a protective headgea...Figure 1.2.2 Severe displacement of the maxillary central incisors following...Figure 1.2.3 (a) Tooth extraction and removal of maxillary bone fragments. (...Figure 1.2.4 (a) Sequelae of repeated facial injuries secondary to epileptic...Figure 1.2.5 Severe gingival hyperplasia in a patient on phenytoin.Figure 1.2.6 Electroencephalogram (EEG) showing epileptiform activity.Figure 1.2.7 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can identify structural change...

      3 Chapter 1-3Figure 1.3.1 Facial myopathy with severe open mouth.Figure 1.3.2 Anterior open bite.Figure 1.3.3 Lateral cephalogram showing a dolichocephalic growth pattern (r...Figure 1.3.4 (a) Facial myopathy (hypotonia, dolichocephaly and open mouth)....Figure 1.3.5 Diagnostic muscle biopsy showing random variation in fibre size...Figure 1.3.6 Orthopaedic surgery to improve scoliosis.

      4 Chapter 2-1Figure 2.1.1 Dentition: generalised plaque, calculus and gingival inflammati...Figure 2.1.2 Maxilla: caries in teeth #54, #53, #65, stained fissures in #16...Figure 2.1.3 Mandible: caries in teeth #75, #84 and #85; calculus on the lin...Figure 2.1.4 Right and left bitewing radiographs: mixed dentition; caries in...

      5 Chapter 2-2Figure 2.2.1 Oral examination was carried out with the help of pictograms.Figure 2.2.2 (a) Fracture of the incisal edge of the crown of tooth #11. (b)...Figure 2.2.3 Desensitisation with visual support may be helpful.Figure 2.2.4 A visual timer may improve co‐operation.Figure 2.2.5 (a) Fascination by an inanimate object. (b) Ritualistic behavio...

      6 Chapter 2-3Figure 2.3.1 (a) Irregular palate, with erythema of the denture bearing muco...Figure 2.3.2 Cone beam computed tomography showing a bone defect in the uppe...Figure 2.3.3 (a–d) Prosthodontic rehabilitation with a new upper dental pros...Figure 2.3.4 (a) Lip fissures. (b) Dental agenesis, microdontia and macroglo...Figure 2.3.5 Orthodontic therapy can be successfully performed in selected p...

      7 Chapter 3-1Figure 3.1.1 Thickened upper labial frenulum.Figure 3.1.2 Cone beam computed tomography showing a considerable isolated c...Figure 3.1.3 Orthodontic treatment for a patient with visual impairment.Figure 3.1.4 Braille is a useful communication tool mainly for complete blin...Figure 3.1.5 When the blind patient uses a guide dog, avoid interfering with...

      8 Chapter 3-2Figure 3.2.1 Bimaxillary compression resulting in a narrow, pointed/ogival a...Figure 3.2.2 Sign language can be used to enhance communication.Figure 3.2.3 Orthodontic treatment for a patient with craniofacial dysostosi...Скачать книгу