Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies. Rosanne Rust
does genetic engineering work? In simple terms, a scientist identifies a desirable trait in one plant or organism and transfers it to the plant or organism they want to improve.
Perhaps it’s better to understand what GMOs aren’t. There are currently only 10 approved GMOs in the U.S. market: field corn, canola, soy, alfalfa, sugar beets, Arctic apples, potato, squash, papaya, and cotton. About 70 percent of the GM crops produced in the U.S. are consumed by livestock animals. Some people worry that animals who have eaten the GM crops will produce food that’s somehow genetically modified. That’s not how it works. GMOs have never been found in the milk or meat of animals fed genetically modified feed.
Many experts say that implementing bioengineering in agriculture has the ability to help reduce the use of pesticides, reduce GHG emissions, and support overall agriculture-related environmental conservation. Plant scientists have discovered amazing ways to produce hardier plants that can withstand draught, inhibit pests, have shorter growth cycles, allow for more food to be grown on less land and erosion — all factors that reduce the overall carbon footprint.
From Farm to Fork: Understanding Where Your Food Comes From
Getting food to the grocery store is a complex and labor-intensive process involving several systems that begins with agricultural production and ends with food distribution. In the simplest terms, it involves four steps: production, processing, distribution, and consumer market.
The first step is producing or growing the food — that is, growing plants to feed animals producing meat, and growing grains, fruits, and vegetables for human food. Food production relies on growers, including farmers and ranchers, workers, and critical inputs (soil, sun, natural resources, and water). After harvest, plant or animal products must be stored properly and at proper temperatures, all the way through the process from storage to distribution centers to grocers (usually within only a few days) and then to homes.
When a seed is planted, it can take anywhere from three to six weeks to water and fertilize the crop and ensure that there are no issues with pests. When a fruit or vegetable crop is ready for harvest, it must be picked at the right stage of ripeness and the right time of day. Fruits and vegetables are examined for regularity in size and appearance. Fruits or vegetables that are less than perfect often get used for juices or other foods such as canned soups or fruit. Unfortunately, some imperfect produce will be left in the field too, mostly because consumers expect only “perfect” produce to be on supermarket shelves.
People have strong convictions about food and eating — whether it’s discussions about which foods are best to eat, claims about what food can do for you, or how food may harm you.
Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of misinformation about how food is produced or grown. I’ve found farmers to be a great resource for learning more about where your food comes from. I’ve visited many farms across the United States and talked candidly with fruit and vegetable farmers, dairy farmers, and farmers who raise pigs and cattle. Overwhelmingly, I’ve found them to be good people who care about the land, the environment, their animals, their families, and their communities. They eat the food they grown and harvest, and they’re proud to bring safe and nutritious food to the whole country.
Luckily, some farmers have taken to social media to share their stories so those who are removed from the land in which food is grown or produced can better understand the challenges and processes involved in bringing food to our supermarkets.
The following sections cover some common misconceptions.
Organic farming is superior
Farming methods are typically divided into two types: conventional and organic. Around the 1940s, the idea of organic farming began as a “non-chemical” way to farm without synthetic pesticides. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), organic farming is defined as “a production system that is managed to respond to site-specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.”
The thing is, conventional farming has a lot of those same goals. Conventional farmers do some of the same practices to maintain soil health by planting cover crops, using natural fertilizers (animal manure), crop rotations, and animal grazing. They also use synthetic fertilizer since natural fertilizer can contribute to run-off issues. Many farms have complex manure management programs to protect water sources, limit runoff, and properly measure fertilizer ingredients for appropriate distribution.
Confusion often arises about pesticide use between the two farming methods. While certified organic is encouraged to control pests, weeds, and disease through physical or mechanical controls (tilling), biological, botanical, or synthetic substances are approved when the latter practices aren’t sufficient. “Natural” pesticides are no safer than synthetic ones. The key to safe pesticide application is proper application according to product and industry instructions. In addition, the additional tilling for weed control can lead to loss of moisture, and wind and water erosion.
Technology and agriculture don’t mix
Images of a man, clad in overalls and a straw hat, sitting on a green tractor may come to mind when you think “farming,” but times have changed. Changes in weather patterns, draughts, land availability, and population growth are just a few reasons it’s vital to be able to make the most of our arable land, human resources, and time.
The notion of high-tech tools for farming somehow makes people uneasy. Especially if you bring up bioengineering (see the nearby sidebar “GMOs and you”). Today’s farmers are scientists. Almost all of them have bachelor’s degrees in agricultural, like plant science, animal science, engineering, or agronomy (the science of soil management, crop production, and ecology).
They use technology both to benefit their own efforts and to benefit the planet. Sure, they still use tractors (women and people of all ages and races farm), but they also have a multitude of technological tools available, such as the following, to manage their land and improve crop yields:
Seeds that have been modified to tolerate drought or resist pests
Drones that fly over fields to check crops
Water and soil management systems that use sensors that report soil conditions, pH, and humidity in real time
Specialized software that analyzes the sensor data that can then determine whether the soil requires additional nutrients or water
Specialized farming equipment, including autonomous tractors and combines that allow farmers to plant and harvest more efficiently using GPS
Many of these tools are managed from a smartphone or tablet that the farmer takes with them on the tractor or as they view their field from their home or barn. They use software to analyze the data and help create crop management strategies. The utilization of technology will likely be an important component of regenerative and sustainable agriculture in years to come. Efforts are in motion to make this technology affordable and available to more farmers across the globe.
Innovations in technology can also enhance sustainability efforts in animal agriculture. I was amazed to see the technology employed when I visited the dairy research barn at Penn State University’s animal science department. Each dairy cow is closely monitored with wearable sensors that provide information about their activity (a cow who isn’t moving a lot may have an infection or other health issue), body temperature, and milk production so they can more efficiently and accurately monitor their health and welfare.
Eating less meat is better for the planet
Some people believe that eating less meat is the answer to reducing the toll that agriculture, as a whole,