Английский язык с Энтони Хоупом. Узник Зенды / Anthony Hope. The Prisoner Of Zenda. Энтони Хоуп

Английский язык с Энтони Хоупом. Узник Зенды / Anthony Hope. The Prisoner Of Zenda - Энтони Хоуп

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smb. – засвидетельствовать кому-л. свое почтение), among them old Lord Topham, at whose house in Grosvenor Square I had danced a score of times (и среди них – старый лорд Топхэм, в чьем доме на Гросвенор-Сквер, я танцевал раз двадцать; score – счет; два десятка). Thank heaven, the old man was as blind as a bat (благодарение Небу, старик был слеп, как летучая мышь = как крот), and did not claim my acquaintance (и не заявил /о том, что/ знаком со мною; to claim – требовать; заявлять; acquaintance – знакомство).

      Then back we went through the streets to the Palace (потом мы возвращались по улицам к дворцу), and I heard them cheering Black Michael (и я слышал, как приветствовали Черного Михаэля); but he, Fritz told me, sat biting his nails like a man in a reverie (но он, как сказал мне Фриц, сидел и грыз ногти, как человек, /погрузившийся/ в раздумья; reverie – мечтание; задумчивость), and even his own friends said that he should have made a braver show (и даже его друзья говорили, что ему бы следовало принять более храбрый вид; show – показ, демонстрация; внешний вид).

      But neither in the face of the princess nor in that of any other did I see the least doubt or questioning. Yet, had I and the King stood side by side, she could have told us in an instant, or, at least, on a little consideration. But neither she nor anyone else dreamed or imagined that I could be other than the King. So the likeness served, and for an hour I stood there, feeling as weary and blasé as though I had been a king all my life; and everybody kissed my hand, and the ambassadors paid me their respects, among them old Lord Topham, at whose house in Grosvenor Square I had danced a score of times. Thank heaven, the old man was as blind as a bat, and did not claim my acquaintance.

      Then back we went through the streets to the Palace, and I heard them cheering Black Michael; but he, Fritz told me, sat biting his nails like a man in a reverie, and even his own friends said that he should have made a braver show.

      I was in a carriage now, side by side with the Princess Flavia (теперь я сидел в карете, бок о бок с принцессой Флавией), and a rough fellow cried out (и какой-то грубый тип выкрикнул; fellow – парень, малый; тип /презр./):

      “And when’s the wedding?” and as he spoke another struck him in the face (и когда свадьба? – и когда он это произнес, другой ударил его в лицо), crying “Long live Duke Michael (крича: да здравствует герцог Михаэль)!” and the princess coloured – it was an admirable tint (а принцесса залилась краской – то был восхитительный румянец; to colour – красить, окрашивать; покраснеть, зардеться; tint – краска; оттенок, тон) – and looked straight in front of her (и /стала/ смотреть прямо перед собой).

      Now I felt in a difficulty (теперь я почувствовал себя в затруднении), because I had forgotten to ask Sapt the state of my affections (потому что забыл спросить Сэпта о состоянии моих привязанностей), or how far matters had gone between the princess and myself (или, /иначе говоря/, как далеко зашли наши с принцессой отношения: «дела между мной и принцессой»). Frankly, had I been the King (по-честному, будь я королем), the further they had gone the better should I have been pleased (то, чем дальше бы они зашли, тем больше я был бы рад). For I am not a slow-blooded man (потому что я человек с горячей кровью: «я не человек с медленной кровью»), and I had not kissed Princess Flavia’s cheek for nothing (и поцеловал принцессу Флавию в щеку не просто так; for nothing – напрасно, зря). These thoughts passed through my head (эти мысли пронеслись в моей голове), but, not being sure of my ground, I said nothing (но, не будучи уверенным /в том, как себя вести/, я не сказал ничего; to be sure of one’s ground – чувствовать твердую почву под ногами); and in a moment or two the princess, recovering her equanimity, turned to me (и через некоторое время принцесса, вновь обретя хладнокровие, повернулась ко мне).

      “Do you know, Rudolf,” said she, “you look somehow different today (знаете, Рудольф, – сказала она, – вы сегодня выглядите как-то странно: «немного по-другому»)?”

      The fact was not surprising, but the remark was disquieting (это было не удивительно, но замечание заставило забеспокоиться: «было тревожным»; fact – факт, обстоятельство; to disquiet – беспокоить, тревожить; quiet – спокойный, тихий).

      I was in a carriage now, side by side with the Princess Flavia, and a rough fellow cried out:

      “And when’s the wedding?” and as he spoke another struck him in the face, crying “Long live Duke Michael!” and the princess coloured – it was an admirable tint – and looked straight in front of her.

      Now I felt in a difficulty, because I had forgotten to ask Sapt the state of my affections, or how far matters had gone between the princess and myself. Frankly, had I been the King, the further they had gone the better should I have been pleased. For I am not a slow-blooded man, and I had not kissed Princess Flavia’s cheek for nothing. These thoughts passed through my head, but, not being sure of my ground, I said nothing; and in a moment or two the princess, recovering her equanimity, turned to me.

      “Do you know, Rudolf,” said she, “you look somehow different today?”

      The fact was not surprising, but the remark was disquieting.


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