Verification of M.Faraday's hypothesis on the gravitational power lines. А. Т. Серков

Verification of M.Faraday's hypothesis on the gravitational power lines - А. Т. Серков

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the potential energy of the orbital body during the transition to a low-grade orbit. Energy conversion related to gravitational radiation, are considered by the example of the evolution of the orbit lunar satellite Smart-1.

      The formation of Saturn rings was considered as unique phenomenon, peculiar only to this planet. However, in recent years, circular structures were discovered at Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, which allows to conclude that the universality of this phenomenon. In this book (chapter 8) substantiates the assumption that the formation of rings in the satellite systems associated with the rotation parameters of the central body. The relation between the distance from the planet to the rings and the parameters of the planets, which are expressed as the square root of the product of the planet mass for the period of its rotation is shown. It is suggested that the asteroid belt in our solar system and the Earth's radiation belt belong to the same group of phenomena form a ring structure by dynamic changes in the surrounding gravitational field.

      Chapter 9 is devoted to the laws of the mass distribution. The existence of certain regularities in the distribution of the planets and satellites masses depending on the radius is not in doubt. It is shown that mass distribution and densities of the planets and satellites in the orbital radius is given by the distance between adjacent allowed (elite) orbits and the intensity of the gravitational field. In orbit can not be a cosmic body mass and density greater than specified. Due to the random nature of the capture bodies on their orbit the mass and density can be below given values, which explain the absence of strict regularities in the distribution of the masses of the planets and satellites.

      The hypothesis according to which the mass distribution along the radius in the planetary and satellite systems is determined by the distance between neighboring orbits and gravitational tension is proposed. Hypothesis is supported by the linear dependence of the density of orbiting bodies on the value of their orbital radii at the correlation coefficient 0,90-0,91.

      In the final tenth chapter is given a critical analysis of the existing theories of the origin of the solar system and is proposed a new interpretation of the problem.

      In the process of the emergence and evolution of planetary and satellite systems involve three known mechanisms: condensation (accretion), division and seizure. Condensation and accretion, as well as the slow accumulation in orbit changes occur during the gradual evolutionary change systems, which are then accompanied by an abrupt (catastrophic) change as a result of fission and capture cosmic bodies.

      It is summarizes the requirements to be met by the modern theory of the origin of the solar system. The formation of planetary and satellite systems consist of two types of processes: the "revolutionary" and evolutionary. Among the revolutionary are fast processes of fission and capture of bodies. To evolutionary processes belong to condensation and accretion, the gradual orbit changes due to gravitational braking and action disturbing forces. As a result of a gradual change in weight, increase in size, gravitational braking and action perturbing forces orbital system becomes unstable, and there comes a stage of revolutionary change. Celestial bodies have been always existed as well planetary and satellite systems forming or disintegrated by recombination (mechanism of capture) or accidents related to the division or merger of the central bodies and the transition of orbiting bodies to the other orbit. Accretion mechanism operates in the gap between the revolutionary transformations. It is expressed in a gradual change in the mass, the accumulation of secular changes in the orbit, which eventually expressed in the "aging" of the system, the loss of its stability and transformation by mechanism of capture or fission.

      Chapter 1. The gravitational field of fixed and rotating bodies


      Based on the M.Faraday's hypothesis on power lines, the gravitational field is considered as a viscous-elastic body with a set of properties (viscosity, modulus of elasticity) and the ability to shear deformation during rotation. Gravitational field around the rotating body a dynamic boundary layer is formed in which due to the velocity gradient the concentric orientation of power lines take place. In an area with a high degree of orientation the orbital motion of bodies goes without crossing of the force lines and consequently without consumption of energy. It is permissible orbit.

      1. Introduction

      The Newton's theory of gravitation was based on the principle of action at a distance, according to which the interaction of bodies at a distance is carried out immediately, without any intermediate substance, that is, in the void. Such an approach could not hold materialistic researchers. Changes have occurred with the advent of electromagnetism, where the need for a medium transmitting interaction was more obvious.. The idea of transmission of electromagnetic interactions by means of field was proposed by the English scientist Michael Faraday. Faraday's representation of fields based on the concept of power lines as special formations in the a hypothetical medium – ether. The power lines or the tension lines (force lines) permeate the field. They are conventional and allow visualizing the field at a particular physical influence it, giving a graphical and analytic mapping field.

      Although the main works of Faraday belong to electromagnetism, astronomers believe [1] that Faraday also "introduced the concept of gravitational field, which controls the planet in orbit. The sun generates a field around themselves, and the planets and other celestial bodies feel the effect of the field and behave accordingly."

      The following article examines the formation of the gravitational field in the fixed and rotating bodies, taking into account the properties of the medium in which the field is realized. Former historical name of this environment – ether is for several reasons, little acceptable. Of the modern notation "physical vacuum" and "dark matter" can be the most appropriate to take the first, although it would be desirable appearance of a new term, which expresses the physical feature of the environment, such as "physical environment", " physical medium " or "ph-media".

      Rotation of the cosmic body undoubtedly influences on the environment particularly in the orientation of the field power lines in the space. In turn, the environment affects the dynamics of the rotation, causing deceleration. Question interaction of the medium the moving body adequately studied in hydrodynamics in the theory of the formation of dynamic boundary layers. It seems reasonable to consider this experience when considering the rotation of celestial bodies in the environment of the physical vacuum.

      2. The properties of the physical vacuum

      In addition to continuity properties and properties when the "vacuum fluctuations, introducing virtual particles may exert pressure on the body," described in the literature [2], based on indirect evidence suggests that the physical vacuum is a viscous-elastic body whose properties can be characterized by the value of modulus and viscosity coefficient.

      In materials science for objects with extremely high elastic properties are widely used methods for determining the modulus of elasticity of materials on the propagation velocity of ultrasonic waves. The higher the speed of propagation of ultrasound is the higher modulus material. The velocity of propagation of electromagnetic and gravitational radiation in the physical vacuum is very high, respectively, 2,998.10*10 and 2,3.10*8 cm / s. Consequently, we can assume that the physical vacuum as the medium in which the radiation propagates, has a high modulus of elasticity.

      As for the viscous properties of the physical vacuum, they are similar to the rotational viscometer can be detected by slowing the speed of rotation of celestial bodies. Be reliably defined for the Earth and is about 0,001s for 100 years. This is secular slowing down the speed of rotation of the Earth. It is usually explained by the action of tidal forces of the Moon and the Sun. However, the inhibitory effect of the viscosity of the physical vacuum (physical environment) is also quite likely.

      Another well-known fact testifies to delay the speed of rotation of celestial bodies in the process of evolution – a decrease in the rate of rotation of stars in the Main sequence. It is assumed that at the initial stage of evolution the equatorial rotation speed of the stars reaches 10 – 100 km / s. At the stage at which the Sun is located, it is 2 km / s, and continued to decrease until the release of the Main sequence.

      Consider the possibility of quantifying the approximate viscous braking of the rotating cosmic body due to its shear interaction with the physical environment (physical vacuum).


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