Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy. James G. Speight

Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy - James G. Speight

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methanol is produced from natural gas, although it can be produced from biomass using similar chemical processes. Ethanol is commonly produced from biological material through fermentation processes. Butanol has the advantage in combustion engines in that its energy density is closer to gasoline than the simpler alcohols (while still retaining over 25% higher octane rating). However, biobutanol is currently more difficult to produce than ethanol or methanol.

      One advantage shared by the four major alcohol fuels is the high octane rating which tends to increase the fuel efficiency and largely offsets the lower energy density of vehicular alcohol fuels (as compared to gasoline and diesel fuels), thus resulting in comparable fuel economy in terms of distance per volume metrics, such as kilometers per liter, or miles per gallon.

      See also: Alcohol-Blended Fuel.

      Alcohol Fuels – Ethanol

Methanol Ethanol Gasoline
Property CH3OH C2H5OH C4-C12
Molecular weight (g/mol) 32 46 ~114
Specific gravity 0.789 (25oC, 77oF) 0.788 (25oC, 77oF) 0.739 (16oC, 60oF)
Vapor density rel. to air 1.10 1.59 3.0 (-40)
Liquid density (g/cm-3 at 25oC, 77oF) 0.79 0.79 3.0 to 4.0
Vapor pressure, 38oC (100oF) 4.6 2.5 8-10
Heat of evaporation (Btu/lb) 472 410 135
Heating value (kBtu gal-1)
Lower (LHV) 58 74 111
Upper (UHV) 65 85 122
Viscosity (cp) 0.54 1.20 0.56
Flash point (oC, oF) 11 (52) 14 (57) -36 (-33)
Flammability/explosion limits
(%) Lower (LFL) 6.7 3.3 1.3
(%) Upper (UFL) 36 19 7.6

      Although early efforts to sustain an ethanol program failed, oil supply disruptions in the Middle East and environmental concerns over the use of lead as a gasoline octane booster renewed interest in ethanol in the late 1970s. At present, extending the volume of conventional gasoline is a significant end use for ethanol, as is its use as an oxygenate. To succeed in these markets, the cost of ethanol must be close to the wholesale price of gasoline, currently made possible by the federal ethanol subsidy. However, in order for ethanol to compete on its own merit,s the cost of producing it must be reduced substantially.

      The production of ethanol from corn is a mature technology that holds much potential. Substantial cost reductions may be possible, however, if cellulose-based feedstocks are used instead of corn. Producers are experimenting with units equipped to convert cellulose-based feedstocks, using sulfuric acid to break down cellulose and hemicellulose into fermentable sugar. Although the process is expensive at present, advances in biotechnology could decrease conversion costs substantially. The feed for all ethanol fermentations is sugar - traditionally a hexose (a six-carbon or “C6” sugar) such as those present naturally in sugar cane, sugar beet, and molasses. Sugar for fermentation can also be recovered from starch, which is actually a polymer of hexose sugars (polysaccharide).

      These differences mean that recovery of these biomass sugars is more complex than recovery of sugars from a starch feedstock. Once recovered, fermentation is also more complex than a simple fermentation of hexose sugars. The current focus focuses on the issues of releasing the sugars (hydrolysis) and then fermenting as much of the C6 and C5 sugars as possible to produce ethanol.

      There are several different methods of hydrolysis: (i) concentrated sulfuric acid, (ii) dilute sulfuric acid, (iii) nitric acid, and (iv) acid pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis.

      Ethanol is produced from the fermentation of sugar by enzymes produced from specific varieties of yeast. The five major sugars are the five-carbon xylose and arabinose and the six-carbon glucose, galactose, and mannose. Traditional fermentation processes rely on yeasts that convert six-carbon sugars to ethanol. Glucose, the preferred form of sugar for fermentation, is contained in both carbohydrates and cellulose. Because carbohydrates are easier than cellulose to convert to glucose, the majority of ethanol currently produced in the United States is made from corn, which produces large quantities of carbohydrates. Also, the organisms and enzymes for carbohydrate conversion and glucose fermentation on a commercial scale are readily available.

      The conversion of cellulosic biomass to ethanol parallels the corn conversion process. The cellulose

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