World History For Dummies. Peter Haugen
Developing Cultures Abounding Tracking the Centuries Chapter 5: Rising and Falling Empires Rome’s Ascent and Demise Building Empires around the World Remembering Far-Flung Cultures Tracking the Centuries Chapter 6: Splitting Eras: The Middle Ages Building (And Maintaining) the Byzantine Empire Sharing and Imposing Culture Planting the Seeds of European Nations Emerging Islamic Fervor Rebounding Guptas in India Rounding Up Developments in Cultures Far to the East and to the West Tracking the Centuries Chapter 7: Struggling for Dominance Extending the Arab Empire and Spreading Islam Excelling in East Asia Developing a Taste for Eastern Goods Mounting the Crusades Growing Trade between East and West Surviving the Black Death Seeking a Way East and Finding Places to the West Tracking the Centuries Chapter 8: Grabbing the Globe Sailing South to Get East “Discovering” America Circling the Planet Spreading the Slave Trade Starting Revolutions Tracking the Centuries Chapter 9: Pulling Empires Together as Subjects Push Back Managing Unprecedented Empires Challenging European Dominance Revolting in Russia Fighting World Wars Running Hot and Cold (Wars) Getting it Together and Forming the United Nations Tracking the Centuries
Part 3: Seeking Answers
Chapter 10: Worshipping through the Ages
Defining Religion
Assessing Animism
Jotting down Judaism
Hammering Out Hinduism
Biting Off a Bit of Buddhism
Condensing Christianity
Investigating Islam
Summarizing Sikhism
Tracking the Centuries
Chapter 11: Loving Wisdom: Philosophy’s Impact
Asking the Big Questions
Tracing Philosophy’s Roots
Examining Eastern Philosophies
Leading to (and from) Socrates
Philosophy in the Age of Alexander and After
Tracking the Centuries
Chapter 12: Being Christian, Thinking Greek
The Great Chain of Being
Interpreting Christian Theology
Establishing Jesus’s Divinity
Augustine’s Influence on Early Christian Thought
The Philosophy of Aquinas
Embracing Humanism and More
Tracking the Centuries
Chapter 13: Awakening to the Renaissance
Realizing the Reach of the Renaissance
Redefining the Human Role
Uniting Flesh and Soul
Returning to Science
Being All That You Could Be
Writing for the Masses
Undermining Renaissance Gains with Conflict
Tracking the Centuries
Chapter 14: Breaking Away: The Reformation
Cracks in the Catholic Monopoly
Luther Challenges the