The experts of K2 work group are responsible for the content and presentation of the GIS/GIL tutorials. The content is under constant revision of working group K2 of the GIS subcommittee. The following topics have been presented:
Overview: Gives an overview of the content and organization of the tutorial.
GIS Basics: Here the basic knowledge of GIS is explained for practical applications.
GIS Applications: Here a wide area of applications is given to show the large variations.
GIL Basics: Here the basic knowledge of GIL for practical applications is given.
GIL Applications: Here many applications in typical surroundings and laying methods are explained.
Mixed Technology Switchgear: Here the compact or hybrid type of partly gas‐insulated and air‐insulated technology is given.
SF6: Here the knowledge of handling, atmospheric impact, and recycling is given.
GIS Overloading: Here the specific conditions and rules for overloading of GIS are explained.