Clinical Cases in Periodontics. Группа авторов

Clinical Cases in Periodontics - Группа авторов

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Features distinguishing molar/incisor pattern grade C periodontitis ...

      3 Chapter 1.9Table 1.9.1 Median effective dose for various radiographic techniques.

      4 Chapter 2.1Table 2.1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of using hand instruments versus p...

      5 Chapter 3.4Table 3.4.1 Differentiating between root resection, root amputation, and he...Table 3.4.2 Indications and contraindications for root resection.

      6 Chapter 5.2Table 5.2.1 Keratinized/attached gingiva.

      7 Chapter 6.3Table 6.3.1 Periodontal charting.

      8 Chapter 7.2Table 7.2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of all internal sinus techniques.

      9 Chapter 8.3Table 8.3.1 Comparison of crestal window technique with conventional two‐sta...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1.1Figure 1.1.1 Complete series of intraoral photographs.Figure 1.1.2 Complete periodontal charting.Figure 1.1.3 Complete series of intraoral radiographs.Figure 1.1.4 Pathogenesis of periodontal diseases.Figure 1.1.5 Nabers probe (Hu‐Friedy, IL, USA).Figure 1.1.6 Mucogingival anatomy.Figure 1.1.7 Resolution of pathologic migration after successful periodontal...Figure 1.1.8 Cemental tear on tooth #24 resulting in localized alveolar bone...

      2 Chapter 1.2Figure 1.2.1 Preoperative presentation (frontal view).Figure 1.2.2 Preoperative frontal view of maxillary anteriors.Figure 1.2.3 Preoperative frontal view of mandibular anteriors.Figure 1.2.4 Probing pocket depth measurements.Figure 1.2.5 Bitewing radiographs depicting the interproximal bone levels.

      3 Chapter 1.3Figure 1.3.1 Frontal view.Figure 1.3.2 Characteristic histopathology of lichen planus demonstrates par...

      4 Chapter 1.4Figure 1.4.1 Initial presentation of a patient with phenytoin‐induced gingiv...Figure 1.4.2 Initial presentation of a patient with phenytoin‐induced gingi...Figure 1.4.3 Probing pocket depth measurements.Figure 1.4.4 Periapical radiographs depicting the interproximal bone levels....

      5 Chapter 1.5Figure 1.5.1 Preoperative frontal view.Figure 1.5.2 Preoperative maxillary dentition.Figure 1.5.3 Preoperative mandibular dentition.Figure 1.5.4 Preoperative left occlusal view.Figure 1.5.5 Preoperative right occlusal.Figure 1.5.6 Probing pocket depth measurements during phase 1 reevaluation....Figure 1.5.7 Intraoral clinical photographs depicting deeper probing depth ...Figure 1.5.8 Periapical radiographs demonstrating the intrabony defects surr...Figure 1.5.9 Classical intrabony defect affecting a mandibular first molar i...

      6 Chapter 1.6Figure 1.6.1 Clinical presentation of the case at initial visit.Figure 1.6.2 Periodontal chart at initial visit.Figure 1.6.3 Full‐mouth periapical radiographs of the case at initial visit....Figure 1.6.4 Clinical presentation of the case three months after therapy....Figure 1.6.5 Periodontal chart three months after therapy.Figure 1.6.6 Clinical presentation of the case one year after therapy.Figure 1.6.7 Periodontal chart one year after periodontal therapy.

      7 Chapter 1.7Figure 1.7.1 Clinical presentation of tooth #19.Figure 1.7.2 Radiographic presentation of tooth #19.Figure 1.7.3 Periodontal probing depth measurements during initial visit.Figure 1.7.4 Cervical enamel projection (CEP) on buccal of tooth #19 (left);...Figure 1.7.5 Interproximal open contact between teeth #13 and #14 (indicated...Figure 1.7.6 Close root proximity between teeth #18 and #19.Figure 1.7.7 Cervical enamel projection (indicated by the red arrow).Figure 1.7.8 Enamel pearl (indicated by the red arrow).Figure 1.7.9 Mesial and distal root concavities of maxillary first premolar....Figure 1.7.10 The size of the Cavitron tip is too big to enter the furcated ...Figure 1.7.11 The root divergence of #19 is more prominent than that of #17....Figure 1.7.12 Long root trunk length (left) and short root trunk at #19 (rig...Figure 1.7.13 Palato‐gingival groove present on tooth #10 as indicated by th...Figure 1.7.14 Overhangs on the mesial and distal of tooth #30 that may event...Figure 1.7.15 Furcation arrow (red arrow) is showing furcal involvement on t...

      8 Chapter 1.8Figure 1.8.1 Clinical examination.Figure 1.8.2 Full‐mouth radiographs.Figure 1.8.3 Periodontal charting: (A) maxilla; (B) mandible.Figure 1.8.4 Follow‐up periodontal charting six weeks post treatment: (A) ma...Figure 1.8.5 Follow‐up views six weeks post treatment.

      9 Chapter

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