Medicine and Surgery of Camelids. Группа авторов
feed safely."/>
Figure 2.57 This camel was previously aggressive when fed. The author taught the animal to target and then nailed the target on the back wall of the stall. At feeding time, the camel was cued to touch the target and was safely away from the feed bowl allowing caretakers to feed safely.
Another suggestion for preventing the development of unwanted behavior in young camelids is to keep children away until the cria understands how to behave appropriately. Children are small and less intimidating to approach. Children are not disciplined enough to interact with impressionable young animals appropriately. When children are around, animals that do not understand how to behave should be haltered (Figure 2.59). Gelding an animal will help, however, it will not solve the problem – it simply uncomplicates it. The pros and cons of early age gelding are discussed in Chapter 16.
It is recommended to treat females no differently; treat them respectfully and insist on respectful behavior in return. Crias do best if they have other peers to play with. With other babies around, in many cases, the whole problem becomes a non‐issue. If you are new to camelids, it would be preferable to arrange for single babies to board at another breeder's farm during the first few months of a youngster's life. This may represent a bit of inconvenience but will save potential problems from developing later.
Camelids that become dangerously aggressive and will not respond to retraining are especially problematic. Once an animal learns that aggression works to make him/her feel more secure, it is exceedingly difficult to convince him to NEVER use these behaviors again. Training techniques that rely on force or reciprocal aggression usually escalate the behavior. When treated this way, most aggressive camelids will become selectively obedient to those humans that have “dominated” them and of whom they are afraid. It is also likely that these camelids will eventually turn on the owners and so they cannot be trusted. Often euthanasia is the only safe and most humane option for these animals.
Figure 2.58 By using a pouch to secure the food, a clicker and food reinforcement can be used even when working with camelids in groups.
Figure 2.59 Children frequently interact inappropriately with young crias. While this may be cute, it is teaching this animal that it is acceptable to engage in physical contact with humans.
Further Readings
1 Bennett, M.M. (2008). The Camelid Companion: Handling and Training Your Alpacas and Llamas. Bend, OR: Raccoon Press.
1 1 Bennett, M.M. (2006). The Positively Perfect Panel! Alpacas Magazine (Spring), pp. 68–73.
2 2 Clemente CJ, Dick TJ, Glen CL, et al: Biomechanical insights into the role of foot pads during locomotion in camelid species. Sci. Rep. 10:1–12, 2020.
3 3 Bennett, M.M. (2003). Let your Facilities Do Your Training and Handling for You. Alpacas Magazine (Spring), pp. 2–5.
4 4 Bennett, M.M. (2015). Catch 22, How You Catch your Alpaca Just May Be the Most Important Thing you Do! Alpacas Magazine (Summer).
5 5 Bennett, M.M. (2014). The Unbelievably Important Issue of Halter Fit and How it Affects You and Your Camelid. Alpacas Magazine (Spring).
6 6 Haug L: Dominance the Dirty Word. The Association of Pet Dog Trainers, pp. 12–23, 2005.
7 7 Schulte N, Klingel H: Herd structure, leadership, dominance and site attachment of the camel, Camelus dromedarius. Behaviour 118:103–114, 1991.
8 8 Taylor, P. (1981). Berserk Male Syndrome in Llamas. 3L Llama Newsletter.
9 9 Ball SR, Way K, Schleining JA, et al: Survey‐based examination of demographics, potential causes and treatments of aberrant behavior syndrome (berserk male syndrome) in camelids. Anim. Ind. Rep. 661:70, 2015.
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