Earth Materials. John O'Brien

Earth Materials - John  O'Brien

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4.26 and Table 4.8.

       Trigonal system (hexagonal system, trigonal division) forms

Schematic illustration of common crystal forms in the hexagonal crystal system (hexagonal division): (a) hexagonal prism closed by a basal pinacoid, (b) hexagonal dipyramid.
Crystal forms Common form indices Form description Minerals that commonly exhibit crystal form
Hexagonal dipyramid left-brace 11 ModifyingAbove 2 With bar 1 right-brace and variations 12 triangular faces inclined to c‐axis; top six separated from bottom six by mirror plane Apatite, zincite
Hexagonal prism left-brace 11 ModifyingAbove 2 With bar 0 right-brace and variations Six rectangular faces parallel to c‐axis Apatite, beryl, quartz, nepheline, corundum, tourmaline
Basal pinacoid {0001} Pair of faces perpendicular to c‐axis Apatite, beryl, corundum
Schematic illustration of common crystal forms in the trigonal system: (a) trigonal dipyramid, (b) rhombohedron, (c) scalenohedron.

       Orthorhombic crystal system

       Monoclinic crystal system

Crystal forms Form indices Form description Minerals that commonly exhibit crystal form
Rhombohedron left-brace 10 ModifyingAbove 1 With bar 1 right-brace {h0hicon1l} Six parallelogram faces inclined to c‐axis Dolomite, calcite, siderite, rhodochrosite, quartz, tourmaline; chabazite
Trigonal Scalenohedron {hkiicon1l} and variations 12 scalene triangle faces inclined to c‐axis Calcite
Trigonal prism {hkiicon10} and variations Three rectangular faces parallel to c‐axis Tourmaline, calcite, quartz
Trigonal dipyramid {hkiicon1l} and variations Six triangular faces; top three separated from bottom three by a mirror plane Tourmaline
Schematic illustration of common crystal forms in the orthorhombic crystal system: (a) rhombic dipyramid, (b) front, side, and basal pinacoids, (c) rhombic prism with a pinacoid.
Crystal forms Form indices Form description Minerals that commonly exhibit crystal form
Rhombic dipyramids {111} {hkl} and variations Eight triangular faces; top four separated from bottom four by a mirror plane Topaz, aragonite, witherite, olivine
Rhombic prisms; first, second, and third orders {011} {0kl} {101} {h0l} {011} {0kl} Four rectangular faces parallel to a single
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