Orchids For Dummies. Steven A. Frowine
orchid suppliers by location, product category, and genus.
Your local garden center
Having a local orchid source is extremely convenient both for buying the plants and for information on growing. Today, garden centers offer more unusual and more interesting plants than ever before — and orchids are among these. The types of orchids they offer varies greatly from one garden center to the next.
Orchid shows
At orchid shows, you’ll find dazzling displays of a broad range of gorgeous orchids. Be prepared to be wowed! Vendors of orchids are a regular feature of orchid shows, so they’re a great place to shop. To find an orchid show in your area, check out the various orchid magazines or search their website.
Online orchid suppliers
You can buy a fine selection of orchids without ever leaving your home. Most orchid suppliers have websites, and some of the sites are detailed and informative.
If you already know what types of orchids you want, you can use a search engine to search for them by type or name. eBay has become quite a useful source for various orchids.
Here are some guidelines I use when purchasing orchids online:
Check out the vendor’s rating. If it’s below the high 90s in satisfaction ratings, check out the vendor’s responses to the complaints to make sure the ratings are reasonable. Sometimes customers can be unrealistic in their demands.
Examine the picture of the plant being offered. You should see a picture of the exact plant being offered, not a picture of a group of plants. You need to know if this picture isn’t just representational of what you might see when the plant flowers but an exact picture of the flower your plant will display. The offspring of seed-grown orchids vary dramatically so you should be aware of that.
Look closely at the plant’s foliage. Does it show discolored spots on the leaves or holes in the leaves that may indicate disease or insect damage. Is the foliage floppy and weak, which may show that it’s poorly grown?
Make sure the vendor accepts returns. Ask the vendor whether they accept a returned plant if the one you receive is in poor condition or if it isn’t the plant you ordered.
Check out the cost and speed of the shipping method. In general, you don’t want your plants to transit for more than a few days.
Try to have your plant shipped to you on a Monday. That way you don’t run the risk of the plant being held at the shippers over a weekend if the shipment somehow gets delayed.
Order when the weather is mild with daytime temperatures above freezing. If that’s not possible, make sure the shipper includes a heat pack with your shipment and guarantees live delivery. Also, avoid extremely hot times.
Home centers and discount stores
Because orchids have had such a meteoric rise in popularity, home centers and discount stores now frequently stock a limited selection of them. The good news: They usually carry the orchids that are easy to grow. The bad news: Getting information at these stores is difficult. But if you’re shopping for your first, inexpensive orchid, and if you don’t have easy access to a garden center or orchid grower, these are good places to start.
Considering Your Environment
When you go to shop for orchids, you can very easily get carried away. The excitement of the moment can completely win over rational plant selection. Few beginning orchid growers take the time to consider their environment before they buy. Unfortunately, if you don’t think this through before you shop, you may end up bringing home a gorgeous orchid that’s completely wrong for you.
In the following sections, I help you assess your environment so you can be confident that you’ll pick out a stunning orchid that is right for you and that will thrive where you live.
Taking temperature readings
Before you bring home an orchid, you need to consider the average daytime and nighttime temperatures in summer and winter where you live.
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FIGURE 2-1: Maximum-minimum thermometer.
For an idea of what your minimum temperatures are outdoors where you live, check out the USDA hardiness map online at https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/pages/view-maps
. If you’re a weather geek like I am, you can use a recording weather station that reads and records the maximum and minimum temperature, humidity, wind speed, rainfall, and barometric pressure every hour and stores this information so it can be charted. Mine has remote sensors and a wireless connection to my computer.
When you’ve determined the average summer and winter temperatures in your area, turn to Table 2-1, which lists some of the most common types of orchids by temperature requirements. Notice that some orchids are adaptable