Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies. Группа авторов

Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies - Группа авторов

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11834b 168.6c 50.6b 137478b 474.0c Maize‐mustard (PM28)‐late wheat (HD 3118) 49922a 12252a 172.1b 51.9b 144996a 499.9b Zn levels Control 44881.5c 10332d 166.5d 46.4a 117975d 435.4d Zn 2.5 48810.8b 10828c 180.9c 46.8ab 126037c 465.9c Zn 5.0 49570.4b 11622b 183.9b 49.7b 141019b 520.5b

      Source: Based on Singh et al. 2009.

Cropping systems Possible niches Suitable varieties
Tur‐wheat system North‐West U.P., Haryana, Punjab, and North Rajasthan Virat, Pusa Vishal, UPAS 120, Manak, Pusa33, AL 15, AL201
Maize‐rabi pigeonpea Central and Eastern U.P., North Bihar, West Bengal, Assam Pusa 9, Sharad
Maize‐potato/mustard + mungbean/urdbean Punjab, Haryana, and West U.P. Mungbean: Pant Mung 2, PDM11,HUM 2, SML668, Pusa Vishal Urdbean: PDU 1, NarendraUrd 1, Uttara
Spring sugarcane + mungbean/urdbean East U.P., Bihar, West Bengal Mungbean: Pant Mung 2, PDM 11, Narendra Mung 1 Urdbean: PDU 1, Pant Urd 19
Rice‐mungbean Orissa, Part of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, A.P. TARM 1, Pusa 9072
Rice‐urdbean Coastal area of A.P., Karnataka, Tamil Nadu LBG 17, LBG 402
Rice wheat mungbean Western U.P., Haryana, Punjab Pant Mung 2, Narendra Mung 1, PDM 139, HUM 2

      The crop diversification approach has been identified

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