Elastic Waves in Solids 1. Daniel Royer
D : electric induction (displacement) vector.
E : Young modulus.
E : electric field vector.
ec (ep) : kinetic (potential) energy per unit volume.
eijk (εij) : piezoelectric (dielectric) constants.
F : force density per unit mass.
H(t) : Heaviside step function.
I : acoustic intensity.
J : Poynting vector.
K : bulk modulus.
k (k) : wave vector (number).
KM : electromechanical coupling coefficient (mode M).
l : unit vector normal to a surface.
n : unit vector of the propagation direction.
P : transported power.
pa : acoustic pressure.
p (p0) : thermodynamic pressure (at rest).
p , q : polarization vectors.
Ps (ps) : power supplied by the source (per unit volume).
r (t) : amplitude reflection (transmission) coefficients.
R (T) : intensity reflection (transmission) coefficients.
s : entropy per unit volume.
s : phase slowness vector.
T : absolute temperature.
T : mechanical traction, stress vector.
u : mechanical displacement vector.
U : internal energy per unit volume.
v : particle velocity vector.
Ve : energy velocity vector.
V (Vg) : phase (group) velocity.
VL (VT) : velocity of longitudinal (transverse) bulk waves.
W (w) : work (per unit volume).
x : position vector.
X, Y, Z : crystallographic axes.
Ze (Y) : electrical impedance (admittance).
α : attenuation coefficient.
δij : Kronecker’s symbol.
δ(t) : Dirac function.
η : viscosity coefficient.
θi,r,t : angle of incidence, reflection, transmission.
Θ : dilatation.
κ : bulk wave velocity ratio (VT/VL).
λ, μ : Lamé constants.
ν : Poisson’s ratio.
ρ : mass density.
ρe (σe) : electric charge density per unit volume (area).
σ (σd) : effective (differential) scattering cross-section.
σ : Cauchy stress tensor.
ϕ (ψ) : scalar (vector) potential.
Φ : electric potential.
χ : decay factor.
ω : angular frequency.
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