Physics I For Dummies. Steven Holzner
a human hair and find it to be 0.00002 meters thick. You could use scientific notation to write this as
A more familiar unit prefix is k, as in kilo, which represents 103 times the unit. For example, the kilometer, km, is 103 meters, which equals 1,000 meters. The following table shows other common unit prefixes that you may see.
Unit Prefix | Exponent |
mega (M) | 106 |
kilo (k) | 103 |
centi (c) | 10–2 |
milli (m) | 10–3 |
micro ( |
10–6 |
nano (n) | 10–9 |
pico (p) | 10–12 |
Checking the Accuracy and Precision of Measurements
Accuracy and precision are important when making (and analyzing) measurements in physics. You can’t imply that your measurement is more precise than you know it to be by adding too many significant digits, and you have to account for the possibility of error in your measurement system by adding a
Knowing which digits are significant
This section is all about how to properly account for the known precision of the measurements and carry that through the calculations, how to represent numbers in a way that is consistent with their known precision, and what to do with calculations that involve measurements with different levels of precision.
Finding the number of significant digits
In a measurement, significant digits (or significant figures) are those that were actually measured. Say you measure a distance with your ruler, which has millimeter markings. You can get a measurement of 10.42 centimeters, which has four significant digits (you estimate the distance between markings to get the last digit). But if you have a very precise micrometer gauge, then you can measure the distance to within one-hundredth of that, so you may measure the same thing to be 10.4213 centimeters, which has six significant digits.
By convention, zeroes that simply fill out values down to (or up to) the decimal point aren’t considered significant. When you see a number given as 3,600, you know that the 3 and 6 are included because they’re significant. However, knowing which, if any, of the zeros are significant can be tricky.
Rounding answers to the correct number of digits
When you do calculations, you often need to round your answer to the correct number of significant digits. If you include any more digits, you claim a precision that you don’t really have and haven’t measured.
For example, if someone tells you that a rocket traveled 10.0 meters in 7.0 seconds, the person is telling you that the distance is known to three significant digits and the seconds are known to two significant digits (the number of digits in each of the measurements). If you want to find the rocket’s speed, you can whip out a calculator and divide 10.0 meters by 7.0 seconds to come up with 1.428571429 meters per second, which looks like a very precise measurement indeed. But the result is too precise — if you know your measurements to only two or three significant digits, you can’t say you know the answer to ten significant digits. Claiming as such would be like taking a meter stick, reading down to the nearest millimeter, and then writing down an answer to the nearest ten-millionth of a millimeter. You need to round your answer.
When you multiply or divide numbers: The result has the same number of significant digits as the original number that has the fewest significant digits. In the case of the rocket, where you need to divide, the result should have only two significant digits (the number of significant digits in 7.0). The best you can say is that the rocket is traveling at 1.4 meters per second, which is 1.428571429 rounded to one decimal place.
When you add or subtract numbers: Line up the decimal points; the last significant digit in the result corresponds to the right-hand column where all numbers still have significant digits. If you have to add 3.6, 14, and 6.33, you’d write the answer to the nearest whole number — the 14 has no significant digits after the decimal place, so the answer shouldn’t, either. You can see what we mean by taking a look for yourself:
When you round the answer to the correct number of significant digits, your answer is 24.
Estimating accuracy
Physicists don’t always rely on significant digits when recording measurements. Sometimes, you see measurements that use plus-or-minus signs to indicate possible error in measurement, as in the following: