Statistical Approaches for Hidden Variables in Ecology. Nathalie Peyrard

Statistical Approaches for Hidden Variables in Ecology - Nathalie Peyrard

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      where p is a generic notation for probability density. In this case, the expression of likelihood implies the calculation of an integral in very high dimensions, as it must be integrated across all hidden states. However, given a known sequence of real positions X0:n, we would have an explicit expression of the full log-likelihood:

      As all of the densities in this model are Gaussian, maximization of the log-likelihood would be simple. The expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm uses this full likelihood to maximize likelihood. Based on an initial parameter value θ(0), the algorithm produces a series of estimations images as follows:

       – Step E calculates:[1.3]

       – Step M takes: Filtering and smoothing a trajectory

      As we have seen, the reconstruction of a trajectory is reliant on the determination of a smoothing distribution, that is, for all 0 ≤ t ≤ n, the distribution of Zt|Y0:n. Note that the inference of the real position at a time t takes account of all observations. As this distribution is Gaussian in the context of the model [1.1], this corresponds to calculating images[Zt|Y0:n] and images[Zt|Y0:n] using Kalman recursions.

      The name Kalman is more often encountered in the context of Kalman filtering, rather than Kalman smoothing. In these contexts, the Kalman filter is used to determine the filter distribution, that is, the distribution of Zt|Y0:t. It is, thus, the distribution of the position at time t on the basis of the observations up to time t. Overview

      As we indicated earlier, an individual alternates between different activities, and these are reflected in different modes of movement. For example, an individual who is looking for food will move slowly, with frequent changes of direction as potential food sources are detected. An individual traveling back to the colony, on the other hand, will travel relatively quickly and in a relatively straight line.

Schematic illustration of the trajectory reconstructed using smoothing corresponds more closely to the reference data than the version obtained by filtering.

      Using a classic activity reconstruction approach, the sequence Z is modeled by a Markov chain, that is, the series of random variables Zt verifies the Markov property; in other terms, for any series of integers z0:t with values in {1, . . . , J}i+1:


      Furthermore, if we consider that this probability of transition is independent of the instant t, the Markov chain is said to be homogeneous1.

      The model draws on the idea that the distribution of Yt is dependent on the activity. The modeler must, therefore, specify the distribution of Yt|{Zt = j}. This specification is generally carried out using a parametric distribution (typically a normal distribution). Activity identification is based on the ways in which the parameters of this distribution change (the mean and variance change as the activity changes).

      The full model is formulated as follows:

      From top to bottom, these three equations define:

       – The initial distribution: this the probability distribution for the first activity, and is thus a vector of probabilities ν0 = (ν0(1), . . . , ν0(J)). In the common case where only one trajectory is observed, the

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