Art History For Dummies. Jesse Bryant Wilder
silk-screened his Liz series in 1963. Liz #6 has neon-...FIGURE 24-2: Hundertwasser gave a dazzling facelift to the Spittelau waste-inci...FIGURE 24-3: Within One Soul Two Spirits Cry Forth by Helen Hardin 1978.
22 Chapter 25FIGURE 25-1: Mer, Méditerrannée — Sète, Gustave le Gray’s ...FIGURE 25-2: Shoshone Falls, Snake River, Idaho, by Timothy O’Sullivan, shot in...FIGURE 25-3: Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California (1936) is a po...FIGURE 25-4: Margaret Bourke-White’s Gandhi with His Nieces is one of the last ...
23 Chapter 26FIGURE 26-1: I. M. Pei’s Pyramide, Le Grande Louvre, is meant to be a bridge be...FIGURE 26-2: Peter Eisenman’s Wexner Center is located on the Ohio State Univer...FIGURE 26-3: Frank Gehry’s streamlined Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is his crowning...FIGURE 26-4: Zaha Hadid’s Vitra Fire Station. FIGURE 26-5: In Cindy Sherman’s Untitled Film Still #6, 1977 the photographer p...FIGURE 26-6: Robert Smithson’s Partially Buried Woodshed, created on the Kent S...
1 Cover
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