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all about understanding the subject. And this is not only true for the well documented UFO phenomenon but also for the crews of the unidentified flying objects. Now, the time has come for the public to find out: Thousands of contact experiences with these beings have already been examined and a clear picture emerges from this.

      Why is this so important now? The question is quickly answered. On one hand, after even mainstream media has accepted the reality of UFOs, the crucial follow-up question asks for an explanation of the UFO-phenomenon. On the other hand, you just have to look around: Wars, nuclear threats, unprecedented religious conflicts and terrorism, possible climate change, unequal distribution of wealth, streams of refugees and, last but not least, a continuing and irrevocable destruction of our environment. It is undoubtedly clear to all of us that something must change dramatically if we intend to survive as a species on this planet Earth. No president and no religious leader will be able to persuade the whole of humanity to change their minds. The necessary change can only happen from within ourselves.

      And in my opinion this can only be achieved by one thing: Understanding. The recognition of where we come from, where we go to and how precious and unique our human existence is. We can only reach such a realization if we give up our arrogant overestimation of ourselves. We must realize that we are not the rulers of other people, of animals and of the planet Earth, which is our fragile habitat. What could be better suited to bring us closer to this urgently needed humility than understanding that we are not alone in this universe but share it with other life-forms – including beings who are technically and intellectually far superior to us.

      Anyone who has not dealt with these topics before will be surprised that alien intelligent life does not only exist hypothetically somewhere in the infinite vastness of space. Non-human beings are in constant contact with us, and this has possibly been the case since the beginning of mankind. That this is no science fiction is now beyond doubt, but only a few people are aware of it. In the following, I will therefore present, in a first step, an evaluation of the facts that have been collected in around forty years of research in the field of contacts with non-human intelligence. After this, I will present the results of my own investigations in a comparative examination. The protagonists of this unusual and bizarre story are a strange species which researchers named the »Greys«. There’s a good reason for this choice (although other beings have been reported as well). It is precisely these little grey figures with their huge heads and big black slanting eyes who appear again and again in the thousands of abduction reports by those affected. My own research has confirmed their frequent appearance.

      I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the persons who have contacted me in recent years to tell me about their unusual experiences and, with my support as a researcher and hypnotherapist, to find out more about it. I have always regarded this as a cooperation based on mutual trust and I am very grateful for the many valuable findings. These have repeatedly confirmed my path and made me move forward. Therefore, I hope that the information gathered in this book will finally give those affectted the understanding and appreciation that they have always been denied due to prejudice and ignorance.

      Although this book focuses on contact experiences with Greys, I would like to emphasize that Greys are not the only non-human strangers that have been reported. A number of different entities seem to exist. In my own cases, for example, there has been an extraordinary accumulation of reports concerning certain reptilian beings. The whole thing went so far that several times a direct communication with these beings took place in my sessions. Another example are the »blue men« which Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke describes in her latest book (Space Age Indians), which contains more than a dozen accounts of people that encountered this species. For the sake of clarity, however, I have decided to leave out these data. The subject of UFOs and alien contacts is quite complex. As most of the data collected during the last 40 years refer to the Greys it is challenging enough to give a consistent picture of this species.

      Besides, there are other phenomena in the context of UFOs that are way easier to get a grip on. These are paranormal phenomena and capabilities that cannot be explained with our current knowledge of physics and biology. In addition to telepathy and telekinesis, this applies above all to the human ability to obtain information about distant places, people or events by psychic means (remote viewing). The existence of this phenomenon shakes our scientific understanding today in a similar way as Einstein’s insight into the relativity of space and time did more than a hundred years ago. One should be aware that even after all this time we still do not know what time actually is. Neither do we know the underlying mechanism of remote viewing. But there’s another parallel between these two that should surprise most readers: The existence of remote viewing has now been confirmed just as reliably as Einstein’s theory of relativity. This is due to the fact that this psychic ability has been researched and applied by U.S. intelligence services for decades.

      Actually, it had been the scientists working for the U.S. military and the CIA/DIA that coined the term »remote viewing« and developed a method to train and apply this psychic ability. All this – unlike the UFO case – is quite easy to prove. We do not only have the statements of the former military remote viewers and the scientists involved, thousands of previously classified documents on the remote viewing project have also been released and are now freely accessible. Therefore, I dedicate one chapter to these important insights which show us crystal-clearly that our traditional world view contains enormous gaps. I hope that by reading this book, doing your own research, and many hours of contemplation, you will succeed in filling in at least some of these gaps.

      A special thank you goes to my old friend Arnold Banerjee, who reviewed the English version of this book. Your support is well-appreciated!

      Bad Homburg, June 2021

       Marcel Polte


      »It is an intelligence that provides enough evidence that something profoundly important is at work, but it does not offer the kinds of proof that would satisfy an exclusively empirical, rationalistic way of knowing. It is for us to embrace the reality of the phenomenon and to take a step toward appreciating that we live in a universe different from the one in which we have been taught to believe2

      Prof. John E. Mack, 1994

      Once upon a time there was a UFO. Nobody liked it, nobody wanted it … one mocked it, one chased it away, one even denied its existence. But it kept coming back. People became curious and some of them began to ask questions. The kings didn’t like that at all and forbid them to talk about the mysterious UFO. With all sorts of tricks they tried to distract their subjects from it. They invented new, even more fantastic stories and threw the worst UFO rebels into a dark dungeon, because something had to be prevented at all costs. This one thing that frightened them more than enemy armies and violent storms that devastated the land: It must never happen that the people questioned their royal power … because there was possibly something out there that even the kings could not explain and was superior to them.

      In this or a similar way, childlike language could be used to describe how governments and the media have dealt with the UFO phenomenon over the last seventy years … until December 2017. When UFOs were mentioned in the media before that date, it was usually not a serious coverage. The reports often resembled a satirical pamphlet. The structure of those reports often followed a typical pattern. To create a certain entertainment value, a mysterious UFO sighting was first described. With narcissistic satisfaction, a (correct or false) scientific explanation was then presented, ranging from illuminated drones, comets, flares, satellites, LED balloons to the planets Jupiter and Venus. And if there was no conventional explanation available, the end of the story could still be kept open with a mocking undertone (»maybe it was the famous little green men …«). In any case, there was no doubt for the reader or viewer that any thought of an extraterrestrial background of such sightings is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. UFOs don’t exist. That’s it. And there can’t be any UFOs because media has (almost) never reported a »real« UFO sighting.

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