High-Performance Materials from Bio-based Feedstocks. Группа авторов

High-Performance Materials from Bio-based Feedstocks - Группа авторов

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      The formation of Starbon, irrespective of the nature of the polysaccharide, has three distinct stages (gelation, drying, and pyrolysis). First, gelation of the polysaccharide takes place in water to swell the material (starch, for example, exists in nature as densely packed granules and functions as an energy source) to produce a hydrogel. The gelation is promoted by a combination of temperature and shear forces, which aid in breaking up the tightly packed grain, allowing some of its contents to move outwards, creating porosity. A subsequent step is a retrogradation, where the gel is allowed to ‘rest’ at 4 °C for approximately 24 hours. This causes slight structural changes and stabilisation. Drying of the Hydrogel

      The fact that water has high surface tension and that it forms menisci in nanopores means that direct drying of the hydrogel puts the structure under great stress as the evaporation causes the pore walls to be pulled together – these forces are too great for the porous starch network to survive and structural collapse ensues. Roundabout methods, therefore, need to be utilised in order to avoid these forces and maintain the porosity.

      The first methodology utilised solvent exchange – water has a much higher surface tension (72.74 mN m−1 at 20 °C [13]) than most organic liquids (e.g. acetone 23.70 mN m−1, ethanol 22.27 mN m−1, and methanol 22.60 mN m−1 [14]).

Schematic illustration of role of capillary forces in the collapse of soft porous materials.

      A major downside to this approach (apart from cost) is the large volume of mixed solvents that are very difficult to purify and reuse. While the materials obtained are very good, the process lacks environmental credentials.

      In order to develop a more efficient, less solvent‐intensive process, Borisova et al. developed a route involving freeze‐drying of hydrogels doped with t‐butanol, a molecule often utilised in freeze‐drying to control the freezing process [16]. This approach avoids surface tension issues as the phase transition is from solid to gas, and the capillary forces that plague direct drying are thus avoided.

      Therefore, compared with a solvent exchange, the quality of the materials (in terms of mesopore content) is excellent, and much less solvent is required as the t‐butanol can be recovered and reused. Pyrolysis of the Expanded Aerogel

Schematic illustration of evolution of porosity as a function of water.

       Source: Original data from Borisova et al. [16].

      Thus, the chemical functionality of the surface of the Starbon materials represents a continuum of changing functionality ranging from hydroxylic to highly functional (hydroxylic, unsaturated) to a more aromatic, low oxygen structure.

      What can be seen from a comparison of the three types of materials is that, overall, the pore volumes remain fairly constant over a wide temperature range. However, in the case of alginic‐acid‐derived materials, there is an increase at lower temperatures followed by a drop and then relative constancy. For room temperature pectin, there is evidence of increasing porosity. The total volumes are broadly constant over all three material types. The most variation is in the difference between total and mesopore volumes, indicating the extent of microporosity. Alginic‐acid‐derived materials have virtually no microporosity at any temperature and pectin a modest amount. In contrast, starch‐derived materials display very little microporosity at low pyrolysis temperatures, but from 300 °C onwards, the materials develop a considerable amount (up to c. 30%).

      Critical to maintaining the porosity of the materials is that the pyrolysis and cross‐linking reactions occur before the aerogel melts or softens considerably. For alginic acid and pectin, the more reactive nature of the polysaccharides’ structure –

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