OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide. Jeanne Boyarsky

OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide - Jeanne Boyarsky

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implements means in Chapter 7, but for now you just need to know that the right side must be an array or collection of items, such as a List or a Set. For the exam, you should know that this does not include all of the Collections Framework classes or interfaces, but only those that implement or extend that Collection interface. For example, Map is not supported in a for-each loop, although Map does include methods that return Collection instances.

      The left side of the for-each loop must include a declaration for an instance of a variable whose type is compatible with the type of the array or collection on the right side of the statement. On each iteration of the loop, the named variable on the left side of the statement is assigned a new value from the array or collection on the right side of the statement.

      Compare these two methods that both print the values of an array, one using a traditional for loop and the other using a for-each loop:

      public void printNames(String[] names) { for(int counter=0; counter<names.length; counter++) System.out.println(names[counter]); } public void printNames(String[] names) { for(var name : names) System.out.println(name); }

      The for-each loop is a lot shorter, isn't it? We no longer have a counter loop variable that we need to create, increment, and monitor. Like using a for loop in place of a while loop, for-each loops are meant to reduce boilerplate code, making code easier to read/write, and freeing you to focus on the parts of your code that really matter.

      We can also use a for-each loop on a List, since it implements Iterable.

      public void printNames(List<String> names) { for(var name : names) System.out.println(name); }

      We cover generics in detail in Chapter 9, “Collections and Generics.” For this chapter, you just need to know that on each iteration, a for-each loop assigns a variable with the same type as the generic argument. In this case, name is of type String.

      So far, so good. What about the following examples?

      String birds = "Jay"; for(String bird : birds) // DOES NOT COMPILE System.out.print(bird + " "); String[] sloths = new String[3]; for(int sloth : sloths) // DOES NOT COMPILE System.out.print(sloth + " ");

      The first for-each loop does not compile because String cannot be used on the right side of the statement. While a String may represent a list of characters, it has to actually be an array or implement Iterable. The second example does not compile because the loop type on the left side of the statement is int and doesn't match the expected type of String.

      The final types of control flow structures we cover in this chapter are branching statements. Up to now, we have been dealing with single loops that ended only when their boolean expression evaluated to false. We now show you other ways loops could end, or branch, and you see that the path taken during runtime may not be as straightforward as in the previous examples.

      Nested Loops

      Before we move into branching statements, we need to introduce the concept of nested loops. A nested loop is a loop that contains another loop, including while, do/while, for, and for-each loops. For example, consider the following code that iterates over a two-dimensional array, which is an array that contains other arrays as its members. We cover multidimensional arrays in detail in Chapter 4, “Core APIs,” but for now, assume the following is how you would declare a two-dimensional array:

      int[][] myComplexArray = {{5,2,1,3},{3,9,8,9},{5,7,12,7}}; for(int[] mySimpleArray : myComplexArray) { for(int i=0; i<mySimpleArray.length; i++) { System.out.print(mySimpleArray[i]+"\t"); } System.out.println(); }

      Notice that we intentionally mix a for loop and a for-each loop in this example. The outer loop will execute a total of three times. Each time the outer loop executes, the inner loop is executed four times. When we execute this code, we see the following output:

      5 2 1 3 3 9 8 9 5 7 12 7

      Nested loops can include while and do/while, as shown in this example. See whether you can determine what this code will output:

      int hungryHippopotamus = 8; while(hungryHippopotamus>0) { do { hungryHippopotamus -= 2; } while (hungryHippopotamus>5); hungryHippopotamus--; System.out.print(hungryHippopotamus+", "); }

      On the second iteration of the outer loop, the inner do/while will be executed once, even though hungryHippopotamus is already not greater than 5. As you may recall, do/while statements always execute the body at least once. This will reduce the value to 1, which will be further lowered by the decrement operator in the outer loop to 0. Once the value reaches 0, the outer loop will terminate. The result is that the code will output the following:

      3, 0,

      The examples in the rest of this section include many nested loops. You will also encounter nested loops on the exam, so the more practice you have with them, the more prepared you will be.

      Adding Optional Labels

      One thing we intentionally skipped when we presented if statements, switch statements, and loops is that they can all have optional labels. A label is an optional pointer to the head of a statement that allows the application flow to jump to it or break from it. It is a single identifier that is followed by a colon (:). For example, we can add optional labels to one of the previous examples:

      int[][] myComplexArray = {{5,2,1,3},{3,9,8,9},{5,7,12,7}}; OUTER_LOOP: for(int[] mySimpleArray : myComplexArray) { INNER_LOOP: for(int i=0; i<mySimpleArray.length; i++) { System.out.print(mySimpleArray[i]+"\t"); } System.out.println(); }

      Labels follow the same rules for formatting as identifiers. For readability, they are commonly expressed using uppercase letters in snake_case with underscores between words. When dealing with only one loop, labels do not add any value, but as you learn in the next section, they are extremely useful in nested structures.

      Note Icon While this topic is not on the exam, it is possible to add optional labels to control and block statements. For example, the following is permitted by the compiler, albeit extremely uncommon:

      The break Statement

Schematic illustration of the structure of a break statement