Computational Geomechanics. Manuel Pastor
of the equation is possible. We consider thus that the only physical variation is in the vertical, x1, direction (x1 = x) and then we have
where D is called the one‐dimensional constrained modulus, E is Young’s modulus and ν is Poisson’s ratio of the linear elastic soil matrix, also
The differential equations are, in place of (2.11):
In place of (2.13):
and in place of (2.16):
Taking Ks → ∞
For a periodic applied surface load
a periodic solution arises after the dissipation of the initial transient in the form
and a system of ordinary linear differential equations is obtained in the frequency domain which can be readily solved by standard procedure.
The boundary conditions imposed are as shown in Figure 2.1. Thus, at x = L, u = 0, w = 0, and at x = 0, σx = q, p = 0.
In Figure 2.1 (taken from Zienkiewicz et al. (1980)), we show a comparison of various numerical results obtained by various approximations:
1 exact solution (Biot’s, labelled B)
2 the u−p equation approximation (labelled Z)
3 the undrained assumption (w = 0) and
4 the consolidation equation obtained by omitting all acceleration terms (labelled C).
The reader will note that the results are plotted against two nondimensional coefficients:
where k′ and k are the two definitions of permeability discussed earlier.
In the above
where L is a typical length such as the length of the one‐dimensional soil column under consideration, g is the gravitational acceleration,
is the speed of sound, is the natural vibration period and T is the period of excitation.
The second nondimensional parameter is defined as
Figure 2.1 The soil column – variation of pore pressure with depth for various values of π1 and π2 –––– B (Biot theory) – – – – Z (u–p approximation theory) ––C (Consolidation theory) (Solution (C) is independent of π2).
Source: Reproduced from Zienkiewicz et al. (1980) by permission of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
(a) π2 ≤ 10−3. (b) π2 = 10−2. (c) π2 = 10−1. (d) π2 = 100. (e) π2 = 101. (f) π1 = 10−1 π2 = 102. Reproduced from Zienkiewicz (1980) by permission of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
In the study, the following values were assumed: