Computational Geomechanics. Manuel Pastor
mass, linear momentum, and angular momentum are then obtained by systematically applying the averaging procedures to the microscopic balance Equation (2.60) as outlined in Hassanizadeh and Gray (1979a, 1979b, 1980). The balance equations have here been specialized for a deforming porous material, where the flow of water and of moist air (mixture of dryair and vapor) is taking place (see Schrefler 1995).
The local thermodynamic equilibrium hypothesis is assumed to hold because the time scale of the modeled phenomena is substantially larger than the relaxation time required reaching equilibrium locally. The temperatures of each constituent in a generic point are hence equal. Further, the constituents are assumed to be immiscible and chemically nonreacting. All fluids are assumed to be in contact with the solid phase. As throughout this book, stress is defined as tension positive for the solid phase, while pore pressure is defined as compressively positive for the fluids.
In the averaging procedure, the volume fractions ηπ appear which are identified as follows: for solid phase ηs = 1 − n, for water ηw = nSw, and for air ηa = nSa.
The averaged macroscopic mass balance equations are given next. For the solid phase, this equation reads
For water, the averaged macroscopic mass balance equation reads
For air, this equation reads
where va is the mass averaged air velocity.
The linear momentum balance equation for the fluid phases is
where tπ is the partial stress tensor, ρπbπ the external momentum supply due to gravity, ρπaπ the volume density of the inertia force,
The average angular momentum balance equation shows that for nonpolar media, the partial stress tensor is symmetric tπ ji = tπ tj at the macroscopic level also and the sum of the coupling vectors of angular momentum between the phases vanishes.
2.5.4 Constitutive Equations
Constitutive models are selected here which are based on quantities currently measurable in laboratory or field experiments and which have been extensively validated. Most of them have been obtained from entropy inequality; see Hassanizadeh and Gray (1980, 1990).
It can be shown that the stress tensor in the fluid is
where pπ is the fluid pressure, and in the solid phase is