Cyber Security and Network Security. Группа авторов
rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_16b1d4c5-1463-52e7-acfe-05fba3ba219b">8.2 Review of Literature 8.3 Methodology Used 8.4 Results and Discussion 8.5 Conclusions References
15 9 Security, Privacy, Risk, and Safety Toward 5G Green Network (5G-GN) 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Overview of 5G 9.3 Key Enabling Techniques for 5G 9.4 5G Green Network 9.5 5G Technologies: Security and Privacy Issues 9.6 5G-GN Assets and Threats 9.7 5G-GN Security Strategies and Deployments 9.8 Risk Analysis of 5G Applications 9.9 Countermeasures Against Security and Privacy Risks 9.10 Protecting 5G Green Networks Against Attacks 9.11 Future Challenges 9.12 Conclusion References
16 10 A Novel Cost-Effective Secure Green Data Center Solutions Using Virtualization Technology 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Literature Survey 10.3 Problem Statement 10.4 Green it Using Virtualization 10.5 Proposed Work 10.6 Conclusion Acknowledgments References
17 11 Big Data Architecture for Network Security 11.1 Introduction to Big Data 11.2 Technology Used to Big Data 11.3 Working Process of Techniques 11.4 Proposed Work 11.5 Comparative Analysis 11.6 Conclusion and Future Scope References
19 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Libraries and their versions
2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Systems needs of cloud forensic tool implementationTable 2.2 Data transfer calculationsTable 2.3 Evidences usage in testing processingTable 2.4 Outputs of one node/one cluster.Table 2.5 Outputs of workstation clustersTable 2.6 Outputs of high-performance clustersTable 2.7 Outputs based on virtualization cluster
3 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Comparison of various blockchain architecturesTable 5.2 Overview of various blockchain-based identity management system.
4 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Popular privacy preservation schemes pertaining to CPS.Table 7.2 Age ranges of cancer patients based on dataset obtained from Kaggle wi...Table 7.3 Results of privacy loss for different ε values used in minimization of...
5 Chapter 8Table 8.1(A) Suggested algorithm at sender side.Table 8.1(B) Suggested algorithm at receiver side.Table 8.2 Values for PSNR at decomposition level = 16.Table 8.3 Values for PSNR at decomposition level = 4.
6 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Threats and assets toward 5G green network (5G-GN).
7 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Server name and type with application details.Table 10.2 Server type with available hardware.Table 10.3 Server type with utilization.Table 10.4 Server type with operating system and application.Table 10.5 Return of investment (ROI) in power and cooling.Table 10.6 Return of investment (ROI) in data center space.Table 10.7 Return of investment (ROI) in network.Table 10.8 Return of investment (ROI) in storage (*considered zero due to previo...
8 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Big data types based on the level of processing.Table 11.2 Comparison of time taken in different cases.Table 11.3 Comparison of error rate in different cases.Table 11.4 Comparison of packet size in different cases.Table 11.5 Comparison of security mechanism in different cases.
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Proposed system design architecture.Figure 1.2 Home or my profile page from manager’s point of view.Figure 1.3 Home or my dashboard page from employee point of view.Figure 1.4 Inbox page from manager’s point of view.Figure 1.5 Flowchart of inbox.Figure 1.6 Storage bucket from manager’s point of view.Figure 1.7 Flowchart of storage bucket.Figure 1.8 Manage employees page from manager point of view.Figure 1.9 Flowchart of employee database.Figure