href="#ulink_acac51d9-494d-5443-9669-b69effa2957d">8.5 Overall Discussion and Potential Areas of Improvement 8.6 Conclusions References 9 COVID‐19 Disruptions to SDG 4 in Higher Education Institutions 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The Educational Background of the 2030 Agenda 9.3 The Genesis of SDG 4 in Higher Education 9.4 SDG 4 in the Context of Inclusive Higher Education 9.5 SDG 4 in the Context of Sustainable Higher Education 9.6 COVID‐19 Disruption to SDG 4, at a Glance 9.7 Higher Education During the COVID‐19 Pandemic 9.8 Wrap up References
9 Part II: Transforming the Curriculum – Discipline‐Specific Initiatives 10 Integrating Harmonious Entrepreneurship into the Curriculum 10.1 Introduction 10.2 The Challenge 10.3 Barriers to Integration into the Curriculum 10.4 Overcoming the Barriers 10.5 Conclusion References 11 Sustaining Place Transformations in Urban Design Education 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Urban Design and Its Multiple Pedagogies 11.3 The Urban Density, Mix, Access, Public/Private Interface, and Type 11.4 Case Study 11.5 Concluding Discussions Acknowledgments References 12 Sustainability of Innovations in Health Professions Education 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Curriculum Development and Evaluation 12.3 Teaching and Learning 12.4 Assessment 12.5 Conclusion References 13 Sustainability in Energy Systems Analysis and Design 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Energy Systems 13.3 Requisite Learning Outcomes 13.4 Summary and Recommendations References
Part III: Global Trends – Country Specific Initiatives
14 Sustainability Teaching in Higher Education and Universities in Spain
14.1 The Shift Toward More Sustainable Practices: Global Framework
14.2 Changes in Educational Policies: The Specific Case of Spain
14.3 Skills in Education: Focus on Environmental Good Practices
14.4 Real Implementation at Higher Education and University Levels
14.5 Main Challenges for Sustainability Implementation in Spanish Education
14.6 The Role of Curricular Adaptation and Transversality
14.7 Success Stories
14.8 Conclusions and Future Trends
15 Sustainability in Higher Education in Egypt
15.1 Introduction
15.2 The Structure of the Education System in Egypt
15.3 Sustainability and Education: Cultural Perception
15.4 Higher Education for Sustainable Development: An Overview
15.5 Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Challenges and the Way Forward
15.6 Conclusions and Recommendations
16 Youth Communicators as an Engine for Sustainable Development
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Do HEIs Complement Community Needs?
16.3 A Pilot Project for Pakistan's Rural Universities
16.4 The Role of TVET toward Community Development
16.5 Conclusion
17 Streamlining Higher Education in the Maldives
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Emerging Issues and Challenges in Streamlining Higher Education in the Maldives up to the Global Standards