Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes. Группа авторов

Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes - Группа авторов

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NAST, northern tra...Figure 5.7 Organic carbon from the surface sediments (core tops). The organi...Figure 5.8 Down‐core variations of organic carbon, magnetic concentration, g...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Approximate localization of the major sites (numbered S1 –S11) of...Figure 6.2 Major metabolic processes discovered via microbiological experime...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Schematic diagram showing the typical physical features of a mari...Figure 7.2 Schematic diagram showing the potential network of biogeochemical...Figure 7.3 Geomicrobiological contour of a petroleum reservoir in relation t...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Schematic of the Arctic Ocean. Colors show depth in meters (the t...Figure 8.2 Weekly average seawater (sw) pCO2 measurements in Amundsen Gulf (...Figure 8.3 (a) The top panel shows the distribution of surface pCO2 in summe...Figure 8.4 Locations of five key Arctic field sites, where extensive work br...Figure 8.5 Distributions of (a) Si, (b) NO3 and (c) PO4 across the measured ...Figure 8.6 Conceptual model of the timing of ice algae and phytoplankton blo...Figure 8.7 The mean annual ground temperature (MAGT) during the Internationa...Figure 8.8 A schematic representation of permafrost zones in Svalbard. The B...Figure 8.9 Conceptual diagram of the theoretical vertical sequence in water‐...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Schematic representation of various fronts in the Indian Sector o...Figure 9.2 Sea surface distribution of (a) pCO2, (b) NO3– (c) PO4 3–...Figure 9.3 Latitudinal variations in the diatom abundances (n × 103 cells l...Figure 9.4 (a) Emiliania huxleyi morphotypes distribution, (b) other dominan...Figure 9.5 Schematic diagram showing the impact of sea ice melting on marine...

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Map of Southern Ocean and Antarctica indicating the location of ...Figure 10.2 Surface physiography of the Southern Ocean (SO) and Antarctica. ...Figure 10.3 Typical box core sediment sample collected fromthe Southern Ocea...Figure 10.4 Schematic diagram showing effect of climate change on Southern O...

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Map (modified from Google Maps, taken from altitude 6906 km) sho...Figure 11.2 Schematic cross‐section of the Antarctica Coast (not to the scal...Figure 11.3 Biogeochemical cycle in the Antarctica coast (not to the scale) ...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Locations of the well‐studied DHAB systems of the global ocean: ...Figure 12.2 Schematic diagram mapping different metabolic processes of the c...

      13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Schematic diagram showing ecosystem functioning at active (a) an...Figure 13.2 Global distribution of active and transform margin sites of the ...

      14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 (a) Schematic illustration of three stages: recharge, reaction, ...Figure 14.2 Schematic illustration of a hydrothermal plume in the deep water...Figure 14.3 Geological setting of the Indian Ocean, which includes mid‐ocean...Figure 14.4 Scanning electron micrograph of Marinobacter algicola incubated ...Figure 14.5 Benthic faunal richness (%) at each known vent field and compari...Figure 14.6 Vent fauna reported from the Central Indian Ridges (CIR) and Sou...


      1  Cover Page

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page


      5  PREFACE

      6  Table of Contents

      7  Begin Reading

      8  Index



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