The Deceased speak out. Dieter Scharnhorst

The Deceased speak out - Dieter Scharnhorst

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because they no longer had the opportunity to think as they did before the war. They had had to endure too much disaster, they had had to watch too much dying and so they had lost the ground under their feet.

      Now the world of God did not want to give credit for all this to the severely tested. It did not want to blame the individual soldiers to the same extent, but those who were responsible for the war should be called to account. Thus, it did not want to withhold the grace of God from those soldiers, but the others who were responsible for the war did not receive it, were punished severely and have to make amends or pay off the injustice in several incarnations, depending on the guilt.

      They, these returned brothers and sisters, the fallen in the war, who were in such need and distress, they were allowed to be comforted by the heavenly helpers and were then led to their appropriate level.

      So this Marta had found her task especially with her former husband. She had implored the holy spirit world and had previously earned through her diligent work that her wish to live together with her life companion was fulfilled, i.e. she could share the time of purification with him. And so she could assist him and thus accelerate his ascent. Even if she had to leave him temporarily, it was because he had to prove that he was capable of fulfilling his tasks by his own strength, without her constant assistance. For free will should be expressed uninfluenced by others.

      So from time to time this Marta had to leave her life companion alone, but she was all the more pleased when she was allowed to visit him again to fulfil the tasks together with him. So later they were left together for a longer time, because Marta wanted to share the purification with him of her own free will. She herself had not had to endure any difficult purification process. Later, when the greatest distress for her comrade was over, when he was given relief, they were to be allowed to be together again. Marta had then tried to give him her love again.

      When he had also climbed a few steps, or rather a few steps, it had been made clear to him what bond of attachment he had with this spiritual sister. As in a film, it was also made clear to him again, through which lives they had gone, which friendships they had cultivated together in the spiritual world and which tasks they had carried out together. So now he had been happy about it again and could lift his thinking. Little by little he had changed, because in the beginning there were still low feelings in his soul for a long time, from which he could not free himself so quickly, as little as from what had once burdened him.

      This Marta tried to make good to him what was only possible. By being revealed to him what bond of connectedness she had formed, he had shown greater courage and had done everything possible to live as the world of God required of him. He had also carried out the work that was demanded of him in the world of God with great zeal. For he had only one desire, that this bond remained with him. It was also made a condition for him that this would only be maintained for him if he made an effort to ascend.

      So they were left together for a long time, but then again a spirit of God came and explained to them that it was better for them to separate now because each one should, and this refers to the present time, each one should now go his own way and strive for further ascent. Because for each one a new goal is set.

      It was explained to both of them what they have to achieve in the future to find themselves again. Each one now has to fulfil a task in the world of God as a test of his own, so that they may be reunited. As far as I know it is not yet clear in which way this will happen.

      That both of them will make an effort to fulfill their tasks is quite understandable; for the two are so attracted to each other that each will do everything to fulfill his tasks just to get together again.

      I must explain the following. There is a deep reason why these two feel attracted to each other, for they belong together. As God created the spirit world, it is always two who belong together. These two have already found each other again in the lower stages of their ascent after the Fall of the spirits. They had recognized each other and each had tried to keep this bond of connection, to find each other again. They had taken on tasks for this, they had overcome many a thing and said yes to the demands, because their bond of love was so great that they could overcome everything.

      If two people are lucky enough to meet again in the lower ascension stages, this does not mean that in their ascent no more troubles will cross their paths, that no fate or trials will bother one or the other. Together they are tested even in times of need for the strength and power of their togetherness.

      Now you can imagine that these two will continue to strive to fulfill their tasks in such a way that one day they will be born into a better time and into a country where no wars are in prospect for them. In the meantime they may now also look at humanity as it is today. And there they make their contribution to the spiritual ascent of men. They are classified to work so that peace prevails among men where they are reborn.

      5.Case study

      Wealth obliges, this can be experienced especially in the following example, which was given in the media. Especially if one looks away, how it happens to poor people and people in need everywhere and even say: in front of our door. Often one looks down on them contemptuously and thinks: "If you make enough effort, it will not happen to you. But there are some fates that you cannot judge, because in today's heartlessness you quickly end up on the sidelines.

      Spirit of God: In this case study I would like to tell you about a woman named Elfriede who, on her return to the spiritual world, claimed that she was pious, and if she was strict, then she was always just.

      But the judgment of the spirit world of God was different. It did not find piety in this soul, but hardness of heart, not justice, but injustice, selfishness and stinginess. As a result of her wealth, this woman had been highly esteemed among her fellow men, but not so in the eyes of the spirit world of God. During her life on earth she had owned a large country house and other buildings. When the area was hit by a flood, her neighbors were in great distress, for their houses were no longer habitable. They came to this woman and asked her for temporary shelter in the mentioned buildings. But Elfriede denied them this request, and so these people had to look for shelter elsewhere, however much they had repeatedly asked for accommodation with her. She was only looking for excuses and that she did not need any disturbance, and that her moving in would cause a lot of disorder and she might be robbed. Through this behavior the woman had marked herself in the depths of her soul, for she had rejected the homeless and fellow men in need, although it would have been easy for her to take them in. I do not need to tell you about her further life, but about her going home.

      Spirits of God had led her over the threshold into the hereafter. From far away her parents approached her, but they could only exchange a few words with her. Her parents said to her

      "You don't have much good to look forward to, for you have burdened yourself in life and had no real faith."

      The soul Elfriede heard these words, but she was not yet fully aware of the change that had taken place in her, but believed

      to dream. Now the angel world led them to a ledge of the spiritual world, over which a spiritual waterfall fell. At this spot she felt very much endangered and had the feeling that these water masses would bury her under them. But built into the rock was apparently a house, at least she saw a door. She hoped to find entrance here, but the door was locked. She could call and scream as much as she wanted, no one opened it. She was also all alone and frightened. She was also freezing, for it was cold and no one came to help her. She was constantly afraid that the floods would sweep her away and so she was very frightened. This went on for a long, long time and in this way she would be brought to her punishment.

      Finally an angel appeared with her, who made it clear to her that she deserved such a punishment. At that time she had turned away those people asking for shelter, and that is how it would be for her now in the world on the side beyond, she would be refused shelter and would not be taken care of much. Elfriede objected that she had been a pious person and had observed the laws of the earth. The angel standing before her, however, had to explain to her that there was no justice in her soul, but intransigence, hardness and selfishness, especially also stinginess.


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