I AM. Karin Angela Myriel Moisel
in earlier times was the sole right of priests or other high-ranking officials, which was a gift attributed only to holy men, is now actually endowed in every single human being. The power and authority, the resonance to bless fellow humans; to bless life, situations, animals, plants, the weather, Earth. But most of all, this gift permits us to bless ourselves.
With this often fulfilled self-empowerment in our self, the soul, the Spirit (which we do not “have”, but is manifest in us) becomes effective in a more distinct manner. Thus we exist even more through our true self as “human being and angel”, as “spirit and body”, as the sun ray of a single creative divinity. I bless myself because I have realized that I am an eternal wonderful singularity and that this self-awareness is manifesting itself in everyday life more and more; visually and distinctly. This is how my Being is healed more and more and thus, also the Being in all life.
This is what the author reminds us about. Thank you, dear Karin Angela Myriel Moisel for this wonderful book that offers us so much inspiration and hands-on suggestions. I wish you and your readers a rich blessing and most of all a unique blessing for every individual!
Internet: wulfingvonrohr.info
How it all began
The idea for these texts was born long ago, however, I lacked the right impetus to write. Internally I was already connected to the texts, this book existed in another dimension and I only had to deliver it into this world, if I wanted to. But I did want! I wanted to be open-minded and let myself be guided by my soul, by my encounters in this world and other realities. But most of all, I didn’t want to set myself under pressure. I wanted to receive whenever it seemed feasible.
Once I met a dear friend, not very slim, and she told me how ugly she felt. I took her face in my palms and told her to repeat the words, “I AM beautiful.” “Oh my God, I can’t” she replied. “Of course you can, my dear, because you are beautiful!” So together we repeated the words “I AM beautiful, I AM beautiful, I AM beautiful!” I said, “Look into the mirror and say these words, they will change everything.” Both of us had to laugh.
There are, of course, lots of possibilities to get there. Blessing is one of them. I was once again aware of how important it is to control how and what we think of ourselves, the sentiments we have for ourselves.
Most of all I noticed how we always evaluate ourselves. Nowhere is room for change, because we already put ourselves in a box and cannot perceive reality as it really is. We limit ourselves through our thinking and handling, we judge ourselves. That is grave. Not only because we put ourselves in a straitjacket, but because we also put the whole world in this straitjacket, events, almost everything. It is the fear standing behind it. The fear not to comply, not be good enough, to not think politically correct nor to speak or handle correctly. That is how it is , until now!
How about stopping to evaluate. Feeling so so and just saying, “Ok, I’m afraid” “Ok, I’m sad”, “Ok, I’m ugly”. Yes, just perceive it. Nothing is really true, these are only opinions, very old, what do they do with you? Just try to simply perceive, with all your emotions. What does it change? Then ask, are those my emotions? Is it true? Is this emanating from me? Is this an adopted feeling? What if you allowed yourself to unfold and not put into a box? What could happen to you? Yes, the box could be narrow-spaced, that is right, but we can think about that later. Again, would it change your life if you could change your point of view about yourself; would it open the box or even discard it? Do you get afraid living without the box, without the boundaries? If you allowed yourself to be as you are, wouldn’t that create new possibilities? Possibilities you never dreamt of. Do you want to try it out? Don’t be afraid, it doesn’t hurt, it may seem unusual, new, free. Yes it is freedom. Open-mindedness is important, for change. Blessing is the beginning of a consciousness process which broadens your horizon, makes you more loving. Blessing can expand your awareness, show you new possibilities that you haven’t thought about. Try it!
Anyhow, I immediately returned home after meeting my angel-like friend and began to write. I have widened my horizon, the box never really fit, even as a child I tried to break it. I want to be free, in my expression, simply free! Freedom is what these texts are all about, liberate yourself from the conventional, the things people told you, what to do, think and feel. The things about freedom!
My first text was to be BEAUTY.
Thank you very much once more my love, you are an angel! Angels are in my opinion entities that are always present at the right moment and the right place. They are messengers that inspire us, if we are aware of them!
Each text in this book was created by an impulse. Either from the outside or inside. One could say, I channeled them, out of me, out of you, for us! I wrote down what these impulses brought into vibration in me.
When you start reading these texts I just want to tell you that whatever happens through the reading is not on a conscious level of understanding, it is from one heart to another. This is more than language through words, this is resonance, movement. If you can allow it, then let these blessings touch you, let them bring something in you in vibration. This is more than words can express. Allow yourself to enter the change, your metamorphosis!
Of course concerning each text you have your own experiences. And even though you may not have the same opinion and your understanding may differ, bless yourself! Allow yourself to experience yourself as a blessing. While writing, I often listened to the CD “God is Love” by Spirit of Vedanta. I just love this music! It lets me immerse into my source and the words and thoughts just effervesce and I am present. Music is wonderful! Music is a medium, a mediator between the worlds. It opens us wide and we receive. That’s really OK. If you wish treat yourself to some music, nice music, song favorites, delve into the music and listen. Accompanied by music there was no need for effort, it all happened with such ease. The topic EASE is also among the texts.
I wish you ease; let all the changes occur with ease. Shake off the turmoil of your life, allow everything to be easy. Let yourself be touched, touched by your own existence. Live your individual and unique life. Love yourself and your mortal being. Gain consciousness of your presence, respect yourself, trust your soul, trust yourself and follow the path of your heart.
I do not claim that everything said is to a substantial extent. The only intention of these texts is to give you motive to self–reflect and regard your life from a different perspective. And after all, I want to encourage you to bless yourself and be grateful for your presence. After blessing yourself, and bearing the knowledge in yourself that you are blessed, there will be a change. Perhaps very suddenly or maybe just gradually, but things will happen, have faith.
Blessing means accepting that what is. In blessing lies the permission that only you can give yourself, in blessing lies receiving, gratitude and love...
Bless you!
What if
If these texts and blessings were printed on paper these texts would have developed into a card set. The 42 topics would have then been printed on 42 cards of which you would have drawn one or more. Because this is not possible using an E-book reader and not really essential, now don’t build a box. I suggest the following:
if you can endure not to read everything at once, choose one text per day and one blessing. You can also read it a number of days successively. You do not have keep my sequence, choose a topic, work with it as long as you like, then move on at your own pace.
Of course you can read all the texts and blessings at once, become acquainted with them, get used to blessing. Then choose your blessing. Repeat it and cross your arms over your breast and take a deep breath. By breathing deeply you become aware of yourself, you