Use My Wife - Cuckold Sex Stories. Grey Elizabeth Caroline
know you are looking very sexy... your ass nicely fills out your pants, very hot." Scott grinned at her.
"That is a very inappropriate thing to say to your co-worker." She said with feigned sternness.
"Being a little bit inappropriate makes life very interesting... but you really are looking very hot."
They continued the flirtatious banter as Scott drove towards the restaurant.
As they reached the parking of the restaurant, Greta groaned with dismay, "So this is the nice restaurant." She said sarcastically. It was one of those breastaurant restaurants which have female waiting staff wearing very skimpy clothes.
Scott just grinned at her as he parked his SUV. They met up with Dave at the front of the restaurant. Dave is in his late fifties just like Scott but that where the similarities ended. He has a balding head and overweight with a beer belly.
"Dave this is Greta, she works with me and Greta this my good friend Dave... he is a vice president of sales at his firm."
"Nice meeting you Greta... you are very pretty." Said Dave as he blatantly ran his eyes over her body.
"Did you have a good look?" Greta asked with annoyance. She did not like this man. He seemed very cheesy.
"Just couldn't help it... you are good looking woman." Dave said smugly.
"Okay let's go in... I am hungry." Scott said chuckling.
As they were led to a table, Greta looked around and saw that the customers were mostly middle aged men. The waitresses were pretty young wearing small short shorts and skimpy tops showing a lot of cleavage.
"I love this place man... good food, better waitresses" Dave said as they sat down.
"How can you guys patronize a place like this... this is so degrading to women." Greta said with disdain. "This place objectifies women as a sexual object."
"Come on... you cannot be so naive." Scott responded. "No one is forcing these girls to work here... in fact I think the girls like the sexy outfits they wear, enjoy showing off their hot, tight bodies... titillate their customers, get some nice tips and feel good about themselves, enjoy the attention... it is a win win for the girls."
"Really?... wearing skimpy outfits at work? being ogled by middle aged men? girls enjoy that?" Greta challenged him.
Dave interjected, "Okay hold on Greta... at the risk of offending you let me ask you something." Dave paused. "So these dress pants you are wearing or this nice top you are wearing... they are very form fitting... nicely showing off your hot, svelte body, tight ass... and I bet you feel good when you look at yourself in the mirror and when men check you out... it is just aesthetically more pleasing... a beautiful body needs to be shown off and woman like to be sexually objectified even though some might never accept it."
"He got you there Greta." Scott smirked.
Greta really did not have any response to Dave's logic and felt a relief when the young waitress came back to take their order. The young waitress acted very flirty with Scott and Dave. Seeing her body language and the twinkle in her eyes, Greta knew that the young girl was enjoying the attention.
After the waitress left, the three of them made small talk. Both the men indulged in sexual banter, liberally using sexual innuendos while waiting for the waitress to bring their entrees.
"So Greta how long have you been married?" Dave asked and chomped into the burger he had ordered.
"Nineteen years... are you married?" She asked Dave.
"Used to be... been divorced for five years... and I have two boys, one is a high school senior and the other is a college junior." He said. "So you have just one son who is in high school?"
"It seems someone has been talking about me... I wonder why." She looked at Scott who just smiled back.
"If I had a pretty co-worker like Scott I would be talking about her too." Dave interjected.
"That is so true. You are so hot, I cannot stop talking about you to my friends." Scott chuckled.
"Stop kissing my ass Scott... I will let you pay for my lunch." She was enjoying the attention of the two men.
"I would gladly kiss that hot ass of yours and pay for lunch." Dave gave her a lecherous smile.
"Hmmm... I never thought of it that way... you may be right, who knows." Greta responded.
"So it seems you got married quite young." Scott remarked. "Did you get a chance to play the field at all."
"I did some." She was quite surprised by Scott's question.
"How many guys you have been with?" Scott inquired.
"Hey!... you shouldn't be asking me that, even my husband never asked me that." She said in feigned indignation. "Anyways a lady does not sleep and tell... just like you two chivalrous men who don't brag about their conquests." She rolled her eyes.
"You are absolutely right... we are very discreet." Dave said with a serious tone then started laughing.
"Don't make me guess now... I will start guessing really high." Scott said.
"No... I shouldn't be telling you... I cannot believe it that you are even asking me, this is very personal." In reality she would have told Scott if Dave had not been there.
"Oh come on don't make excuses now... you making a big deal about it, you are with friends, I bet you have talked about his with your girlfriends... we are your guy friends." Dave pressed her.
"You are not my friend... I barely know you." She said to Dave. She was still irked by him even though she knew that Dave had made a valid point.
"Okay, how about you we tell you how many women we have been with you first... and then you tell us." Scott suggested.
"Okay... tell me, better not inflate your numbers... and don't count it in if you paid for it." She said to him playfully.
"Well... I have been with like twenty six women." Scott said with grin.
"And I have been with twenty." Dave said with a smirk.
Greta's eyes open wide in shock. She knew they were not lying. "Oh my god... you guys are complete womanizers... compared to you two, my number is nothing... just two guys beside my husband." She blurted out.
"That is so unfair Greta... only five... I think we should both help you increase the number." Scott earnestly said. All three of them burst out laughing.
"Very generous offer I have to say... but thank you, my husband is all that I need... and you two should quit trying to seduce other women and focus on your wives." Responded Greta.
"Nah... I like variety... keeps things interesting, I know you will like it too." Scott winked at her. "We both are very experienced."
"I will take the dull any day boys... let us go now, I have a meeting to attend." Greta pointed at her watch.
As they were about to go their separate ways, Dave said, "It was great meeting you... stay in touch and we need to meet again soon... I like having beautiful friends like you." He said and completely caught her off guard by giving her a hug. Dave ran his hands up and down her back and cupped her ass.
"What the hell?... keep your hands to yourself asshole!" She pushed him away angrily. Greta was livid with anger.
"Hey baby... don't be that way, it was nothing." Dave said nonchalantly.
"Don't fucking baby me... you are such an obnoxious jerk." She retorted angrily. "Scott I will meet you by your SUV... I cannot believe that you are friends