Museum Guide Berlin 2015. Claudia Stein

Museum Guide Berlin 2015 - Claudia Stein

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Museum in the Kulturbrauerei, House of History

      • Rotkreuz-Museum des DRK-LV

       Regional Red Cross Museum

      • Schwerbelastungskörper

       “Heavy Load Object“

      • Stasi-Museum

      • Stasi-Unterlagen / Dauerausstellung

       Stasi Archives / permanent exhibition

      3.4 Special…

      • Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum (Charité)

       Berlin Museum of Medical History at the Charité

      • Computerspiele Museum Berlin

       Computer Games Museum Berlin

      • DDR-Wohnung

       GDR Flat

      • Deutsches Currywurst-Museum

       German Currywurst Museum

      • Gaslaternen-Freilichtmuseum Berlin

       Gas Lanterns Open Air Museum Berlin

      • Hanf Museum Berlin

       Hemp Museum Berlin

      • Ramones Museum Berlin

      • Schwules Museum

       Gay Museum

      3.5 Editor’s Pick

      • Berliner Unterwelten-Museum

       Berlin Underworld Museum

      • C/O Berlin

      • Centrum Judaicum (Neue Synagoge)

      • Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas

       Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

      • Dokumentationszentrum Berliner Mauer

       Documentation Center Berlin Wall

      • Haus am Checkpoint Charlie

      • Jüdisches Museum Berlin

       Jewish Museum Berlin

      • Martin-Gropius-Bau

      • Museum Berggruen

      • Museum Europäischer Kulturen

       Museum of European Cultures

      • Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

       Museum for Communication Berlin

      • Museumsinsel

       Museum Island

      • Olympisches Dorf 1936

       Olympic Village 1936

      • Reichstagskuppel

       Dome of the Reichstag (seat of the Bundestag)

      • Sammlung Boros

       The Boros Collection

      • Sammlung Hoffmann

       The Hoffmann Collection

      • Stasi-Unterlagen / Dauerausstellung

       Stasi Archives / permanent exhibition

      • Stiftung Olbricht im Me Collector’s Room

       Olbricht Foundation in the Me Collector’s Room

      • Topographie des Terrors

       Topography of Terror

      4 Adlershof


       Memorial for the writer Anna Seghers

      Anna-Seghers-Straße 81, 12489 Berlin-Adlershof

      Tel.: 030/ 677 47 25

      Opening hours: Tu. + Th. 10.00-16.00. With guided visit only.

      Entrance fee: 4.00 EUR/ red. 2.00 EUR

      The eventful life of the German writer Anna Seghers (name at birth: Netty Radványi) is traced in her originally preserved living and working spaces. She came from Mainz; her parents were Jews and so Anna came early in the cross hairs of the Nazis. In Germany, her books were burned, and she fled to Paris. Lahe emigrated to Mexico, but in 1947 came back to East-Berlin. These events have left marks on her work as well as her political views. The exhibited pieces in her apartment comprise her belongings, photographs and documents like the rare first editions of her work as well as sound recordings.

      5 Charlottenburg

       Abguss -Sammlung antiker Plastik

      Cast Collection of Ancient Sculpture

      Schlossstr. 69b, 14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg

      Tel.: 030/ 34 24 054

      Opening hours: Th.-Su., 14.00-17.00

      Free entrance!

      The Cast Collection is unique and has been existing for over 300 years now; today it is part of the Free University of Berlin. The exhibition showsthe importance plaster casts had in the last few centuries - they did not only serve the worship of beauty - and how much today's research owes this craft.

      Museum of Architecture at the Technical University of Berlin

      Straße des 17. Juni 150-152, 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg

      Tel. 030/ 31423116

      Opening hours: Mo.-Th. 12.00-16.00

      Free entrance!

      The museum was founded in 1885 and is today located in the University’s library. It shows architectural drawings of mainly Prussian architect.

       Beate Uhse Erotik-Museum

      The museum has closed its doors in September 2014 after nearly 20 years. The reason is the redevelopment of the area and the elimination of the rental space. The owners have not yet found a new place.

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