Bad Girls Have Better Sex - Erotic Stories. Sarah Ann Miller

Bad Girls Have Better Sex - Erotic Stories - Sarah Ann Miller

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to know that its girls I like not pretend boys like you. Yes I’ve got breasts, and I’m bloody proud of them but its pellocks like you who don’t see past them, there’s a brain here too you know? and you moan about me having them out for show well I was hoping someone like you might like them but then you criticize me yet it’s you who’s nipples are standing out like coat pegs.”

      I took a breath to carry on but noticed Anya was sniggering, “what?” I asked with maybe more venom than needed.

      “Coat pegs?” she asked.

      I was stunned for a second; still wanting to rant and rave, but soon regained my composure.

      “It’s an old saying of my granddad.” I explained, “Look.”

      I grabbed an apron stood in front of Anya opened her shirt a little and pretended to hang the apron on her nipple which was showing through the thin material of her vest.

      We both started to giggle. I thought maybe we had made up.

      “I’m sorry if I insulted you.” Her apology seemed genuine.

      “Sorry I called you a boy, and for all the other mean things I said.” I was genuine

      “Still not sure you’re a genuine lesbian, I mean look at you” I couldn’t believe she was still getting at me.

      “Really! Well let me show you!”

      With that I grabbed a fistful of her hair on the top of her head, which was not that easy as it was cropped that short. I pulled her head back causing her to wince and grab for my hand but I grabbed her wrist turning her arm behind her and marched her out of the kitchen into the hallway towards the main door. I wrestled her through the door into the garden, letting go of her for a second as I shut the door.

      “Why don’t you just piss off and leave me be?” I shouted at her.

      She said something in Swedish that I guessed was swearing and having been set free from my grasp she grabbed my hair with both hands pulling me down so I was bent over. I pushed forward so that my shoulder hit her chest and I knocked her onto the grass. Her grip on my hair meant that I fell on top of her my face on her belly, which I subsequently bit.

      With a shout of anguish, she let go of my hair and I got to my knees just in time to get a full slap on the cheek. I jumped forward and attempted to do the same only managing to get the back of her head, so again I tried to grab her hair but it was too short.

      We fought for some time, I got slapped again, I scratched her face she in turn put deep red rake marks on my neck and the top of my breast. We wrestled on the floor grappling too close to actually hit each other. After only a little while she managed to get me on my back and herself out of my grip, she grabbed my dress at the shoulder she stood up pulling at it causing it to tear most of the way to my waist.

      Anya seemed to be in shock as she looked down at me, the kind of bra I was wearing meant that I almost looked naked from the waist up.

      I was in shock. After a few moments I sat up pulled my knees to my chest and started to sob.

      “Why do you have to be so horrible to me?” I wailed, “I thought we had become friends and you just had to insult me again.”

      She was quiet for a moment “I thought I was being ironic.” Anya almost whispered and seemed to be struggling with what to say “Maybe my accent or I used the wrong words.”

      There was an empty silence save for my sobbing, I had still not looked up.

      “I truly am sorry,” again she spoke in almost a whisper. “Are you hurt?”

      “Not really,” I sniffled as I looked up “Stings in a few places, I guess the dress is ruined, but hell you didn’t like it anyway.” I tried to smile at her

      “Actually, I thought you looked great.” She said kneeling down next to me as I sat down hugging my knees looking at her. She cradled my head against her chest, “I am really sorry, I was not expecting someone like you and I guess I felt a bit overwhelmed and intimidated, I am really sorry for acting the way I did. I felt ugly next to you and guessed you’d never like me so I just reacted in a bad way, sorry, sorry, sorry…”

      Anya rested her head on mine as she repeated her apology. I looked up and without thinking kissed her on the collar bone, she moved her head off of mine so I kissed her neck, then her chin, her soft lips then met mine in a gentle peck. We looked at each other a moment and kissed again, first gently, then with more force and passion her lips crushing mine when she put a hand to the back of my head and held me against her. I opened my mouth to let her tongue probe past my teeth then I wrestled it with my own.

      Her hands cupped my face and I snaked a hand and arm around her waist as we continued to kiss with increasing passion. My burning adrenaline from the fight now replaced with a tingle all over my skin and the burning now in my starting to moisten crotch.

      Our kissing was stopped by a shout from the house; we both looked at the door. Nobody was there and due to the laughter, that followed we realized it had nothing to do with us. Anya suggested we get inside, partly to avoid being caught and partly to avoid the biting bugs. I tried to get up with as much decorum as possible and clasped my tattered dress to my chest trying to keep some form of modesty, however looking at the damage I had inflicted on Anya, I realized that we probably looked more like a pair of thugs than ladies.

      We sneaked in the door and into the guest bedroom I was using; I locked the door behind me. The light was on and when I turned to look at Anya, I realized just how much of a fight we must have had, she was looking at me open mouthed too. I stood in front of the full-length mirror and gasped in shock. My hair was a complete mess, “look like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards” as my parents used to say. Light scratches covered my legs that were probably the best part of me, a large red smack mark on the cheek gave testament to the force Anya had used. Red welt marks on my arms neck and along the top of my breasts, showed our wrestling had been full on, the dress was just ragging and giving up on any pretence of modesty I let go of it so that it fell to the floor. My eyes glazed with tears as I bit my top lip and looked once again towards Anya, she looked in no better a state, but I think I had come second, and I told her so.

      There was no reply from Anya and I noted her eyes were wide as she looked straight at me. I suddenly realized that I was now standing in only my see through underwear and sandals only, and she obviously approved. I smirked a little wriggled my hips and wobbled my boobs.

      “Want to rip the rest off?” I teased

      “Do you think you could stop me?” she retorted with a grin

      Pausing for effect I looked her up and down, and then taking her by surprise as I had in the garden, I charged her. Anya grunted as I landed on top of her flattening her onto the bed. Grabbing her hair, this time with less anger I covered her sweet lips with mine and forced a strong deep kiss onto her. She responded, her tongue pushing strongly against mine. Grabbing my hair with one hand wrapping her legs around mine she somehow managed to turn me onto my back. Pulling away from my face she knelt back trapping my legs I could feel her boots pinching my skin. She grabbed my bra strap and roughly pulled it down my arm exposing the soft white smooth orb and the dark pink of my nipple. With no finesse she bit my tit, it was a short sharp pain, yet this time it was pleasurable. I wriggled my arms out of my bra, exposing the other breast. I grabbed the back of Anya’s head and forced her mouth over my nipple. She sucked hard taking my nipple and aureole deep into her mouth, slurping and biting.

      I grabbed at her shirt and managed to get it off of her but I couldn’t do anything else as she held me down firmer, her shirt removed

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