The Revenge Of The Hitmons. Ludwig Böhm

The Revenge Of The Hitmons - Ludwig Böhm

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       "Here fishermen. I have another problem with my computer. "

       "It's not!"

       "If I say it," Benny replied. "In the beginning it was still rare, but now it gets more and more frequent. If I want to start my Zip drive, the computer collapses. I do not know why either."

       "I can think of it," Brauner replied. "You have installed your drive yourself. Perhaps there has been a slight phase shift, where the Zip is integrated with another drive without you seeing it. I'm just around the corner. Shall I look at the box? "

      "That's why I was just asking you!" Benny laughed. "But it would not have been that fast."

       Just a few minutes later, the spirited Brauner rushed through the door. He was a stocky young man with a brow and a look in his eyes, who did not tolerate any contradiction. He went to the study purposefully and had already thrown the programs through.

       After a minute he said,

       "Well, there is only one solution, Mr. Fischer: The hard drive has to be formatted. You have accidentally registered the Zip drive to the DVD burner. This has resulted in a short circuit. You must save the data externally. Do you think it's going to happen? "

       "The important thing I always stored externally," Benny answered. "The other things may not be so important or can be made up again."

       "When would you have time?" Asked Brauner.

       "Maybe next Friday," Benny thought. "The disk drive is still working, so it's not in a hurry."

       "Okay, Mr. Fischer, I have to leave now."

       A little later, Benny was out of the house. His son soon had school and he wanted to pick him up. Finally the Easter holidays were coming.

       In the meantime, a school was used to read out stories that were thrown to the screen by a daylight projector. The student Julia Schneider had just finished and reaped great applause. All the students had written their names on placards, because Mrs. Gerold was only to represent the sick Mr. Baumgartner.

       "That was very good, Julia," praised Mrs. Gerold. She would be around the beginning of 40, had dark blond hair, smooth hair, and at the same time loveable and strict.

       "Now we have a poem," continued Mrs. Gerold. "Schiller's bell. Who would say it? "

       Many students raised their hands. Mrs. Gerold looked at all the children. Her choice fell on a dark-haired boy who was sitting on the left in the fourth row. `Niki Fischer' stood on his shield. It was Bennys son.

       "Niki." Read Mrs. Gerold.

       This began:

       "Fresh in the place it is made of clay!

      Today she must be a bell. Fresh friends, be at hand ... "

       While the little Niki recited the poem, one could look closely at it.

       Niki was the younger likeness of his father. The same hair, the same nose, face shape, even the mouth was like that of his father. Only the deep-black eyes, from which a lot of temperament flashed, came from his mother. Although Benny was often unable to cope with the inexhaustible energy of his son, he loved the child idolatrous, for Niki was the only consolation after Benny's fate.

      Niki was quite self-sufficient for his age. He often went shopping alone and could even cook. But his fierce temperament sometimes brought his father to the boil.

       And yet, Niki possessed the certain something with which he could conquer all hearts. His classmates appreciated and loved him. Teachers also praised him in high tones. Just recently, Benny had received a letter from the school management, which included:

      "Niki thrives magnificently, and he is the jewel in our school."

       While Niki recited the poem, he was mustered by all the pupils of the class. Especially the dark-haired Julia beamed at him. She was an inconspicuous, not very pretty girl with sad eyes, and would have liked to become his friend, but she was too shy to tell him. But now there was determination in her eyes. Did she want to tell him something today? She did not let him out of his sight. Finally, today was the last day of school before the Easter holidays.

       The bell rang. The children packed everything together, because nothing could be forgotten. Niki whizzed out of the schoolroom and cleared his locker. Today he wore his beloved dark blue jeans, a black T-shirt with a hit-on print, as well as blue and white striped shoes. He was in the middle of emptying as his classmate Julia slowly approached him.

       "Hello, Niki," she said shyly.

       The boy turned around.

       "Oh, Julia. What's up?"

       A little embarrassed, the girl looked at him and said softly:

       "Belated happy birthday. I ... "Julia interrupted herself and lowered her gaze. Then she looked at him again and continued:

       "I have a gift for you."

       She held a pack in her hand. When Niki opened it, he got big eyes. It was a Rauruk-Spardose, which could speak, if one a coin. Niki's eyes glowed all over his face, and he pressed a fat kiss on his cheek to his classmate.

       "Thank you, Julia!" He beamed. "Are you better now?"

       "Yes," she said sadly. "Too stupid that I've been sick for the first time. I would have liked to have been at your birthday party. "

       "Next year, you have to be careful that you're coming to my party." "Then I'll be ten."

       Julia beamed at her classmate.

       "I promise," she swore. "Bye!"

       And she disappeared.

      Niki looked at Spardose. A small button was attached to the back of the head. Niki pushed him and suddenly heard a voice:

       "Huki, Huki!"

       Niki's eyes widened. And then he pushed the button.

       "Huki, Huki, Huki!" It sounded this time.

       The boy took the Spardose firmly in his hands and whispered:

       "I'll keep her in honor, Julia." He put the Spardose in his satchel, took another jacket out of the locker, and closed the door on which his name stood.

       He ran through the school hall as his classmate Robert Schweiger stormed at him.

       "Niki!" He shouted from a distance. "Your daddy is here. He's standing outside the gate! "

       Niki stormed straight through the school to the main entrance, which was separated from the Pausenhof to the school building. He rushed through the schoolyard and saw his father standing at the wall.

       "Papa," he cried, pleased.

       Immediately he ran to his father and jumped into his arms.

      A fat welcome kiss followed, then Benny said,

       "Come, child. We're going to go shopping now. "

       At that moment Mrs. Gerold came to the fence. From a distance she cried:

       "Well, now I can finally get to know the father of our jewels."

       Benny looked up and looked into the teacher's eyes.

       "You Papa, this is Mrs. Gerold," said Niki.

       "Mrs. Gerold, as I have learned," he greeted him, handing her hand.

       "Yes, I am," she confirmed.

       "Niki has already told you that you are representing Mr. Baumgartner," said Benny. "And other things."

       "I hope it's nothing negative." Mrs. Gerold laughed.

       "My son does not speak negatively about his fellow men," Benny explained. "A property that I admire very much in it. I wish I had more of it. "

       "They seem to envy their child very much," said Mrs. Gerold.

       "And how." Confessed Benny. "He has what I want."

       "And he also has an inexhaustible energy," continued Mrs. Gerold.

       "Who do you say that to?" Sighed the promoter.

       Niki laughed and said,

       "We wanted to go shopping."


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