Liquid Crystals. Iam-Choon Khoo
dependence of the period of oscillations (see Figure 9....Figure 9.10. Temperature dependence of the refractive indices of E7 at 10.6 ...Figure 9.11. Experimentally measured steady‐state refractive index dependenc...Figure 9.12. Observed He–Ne probe diffraction from the isotropic liquid crys...Figure 9.13. Interaction of an extraordinary wave laser with a homeotropical...Figure 9.14. Polarization grating is generated by interfering two coherent c...Figure 9.15. Geometry of interaction for pulsed laser‐induced flow‐orientati...Figure 9.16. Oscilloscope trace of the probe diffraction showing the observe...Figure 9.17. Oscilloscope trace of probe beam diffraction from cross‐polariz...Figure 9.18. Observed nonlinear index coefficients and response times of maj...Figure 9.19. Some observed nonlinear index coefficients and response times o...Figure 9.20. Schematic depiction of the experimental setup for phase‐matched...Figure 9.21. Diffraction efficiency as a function of the grating spacing for...Figure 9.22. Dynamical dependence of the probe diffractions when the referen...Figure 9.23. (a) Schematic depiction of the experimental setup for optical p...
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1. Schematic depiction of the energy level structure of a multilev...Figure 10.2. Interaction of the electric field E with the dipole moment d of...Figure 10.3. (a) Schematic depiction of the time evolution of the electronic...Figure 10.4. (a) Single‐photon transition. (b) Two‐photon absorption transit...Figure 10.5. A typical liquid crystal molecule molecular energy levels showi...Figure 10.6. (Upper) The real part of the complex refractive index, no(ω...Figure 10.7. (Upper) The real part of the complex refractive index, no(ω...Figure 10.8. Molecular structure of MBBA showing the presence of two benzene...Figure 10.9. Measured n2 values of three organic liquids with femtoseconds ...Figure 10.10. Measured effective two‐photon absorption coefficient of the or...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1. (a) Three‐wave mixing process involving the mixing of two frequ...Figure 11.2. Temporal and spatial frequency wave mixings in a nonlinear opti...Figure 11.3. Forward wave mixing process involving side‐diffracted beams.Figure 11.4. Wave vector addition diagram for the process k3 = 2k1– k...Figure 11.5. Wave vector addition diagram for the process k4 = 2k2 – k1....Figure 11.6. Schematic depiction of optical wavefront conjugation by degener...Figure 11.7. Induced refractive index grating is spatially shifted from the ...Figure 11.8. Moving intensity grating generated by two coherent incident las...Figure 11.9. Time‐dependent spatially moving index grating generated by two ...Figure 11.10. Matching the extraordinary refractive index ne(θm) ...Figure 11.11. Nonlinear transverse phase shift and diffraction of a laser be...Figure 11.12. Radial intensity as a function of increasing input intensity s...Figure 11.13. Radial intensity distribution for increasing input intensity f...Figure 11.14. An experimental arrangement for achieving the optical limiting...Figure 11.15. Theoretical plot of the output and input laser pulses showing ...Figure 11.16. Coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) involving the pum...Figure 11.17. (a) Wave vector phase matching of the pump wave
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1. Experimental setup for optical limiting action using external s...Figure 12.2. Plot of detected output power versus input laser power. Insert ...Figure 12.3. Schematic depiction of a large dynamic range optical limiter co...Figure 12.4. Photograph of the transmitted laser beam (bright spot) and imag...Figure 12.5. Photographs of the transmission through the liquid crystal film...Figure 12.6. Experimental setup used in the first demonstration of spatial s...Figure 12.7. Computer simulations of the propagation in the (y‐z) plane of a...Figure 12.8. (a) Schematic of polarization rotation of a linearly polarized ...Figure 12.9. (a) Experimental setup for observing ultrafast polarization rot...Figure 12.10. Experimental setup for observing stimulated orientational scat...Figure 12.11. Recorded transmitted pump and signal as a function of input la...Figure 12.12. Stimulated o‐ to e‐ wave scattering. (a) Observed o‐wave power...Figure 12.13. (a) Phase diagram of the director angle coefficients Ai (in...Figure 12.14. (a) Photograph of the phase‐conjugated reconstructed image of ...Figure 12.15. Experimental setup for e‐o phase conjugation based on SOS. The...Figure 12.16. (a) Observed buildup dynamics of the e‐o phase conjugation sig...Figure 12.17. Theoretical plot of typical dynamics of self‐starting optical ...Figure 12.18. Oscilloscope traces of the time evolution of SSOPC signal as a...Figure 12.19. Experimental setup for incoherent to coherent image conversion...Figure 12.20. Experimental setup. Insert shows the planar twisted NLC film. ...Figure 12.21. Schematic depiction of experimental setup used to demonstrate ...Figure 12.22. Schematic depiction of total internal reflection ↔ transmissio...Figure 12.23. Experimental setup for observing the transmission‐TIR switchin...Figure 12.24. Oscilloscope traces of the transmitted IR laser pulse. Inciden...Figure 12.25. Oscilloscope traces of the transmitted CO2 laser pulses throug...Figure 12.26. Schematic of TIR‐transmission switching/limiting device.Figure 12.27 Schematic depiction of the nonlinear fiber array placed in the ...Figure 12.28. Illustration of the extended interaction length provided by fi...Figure 12.29. Molecular energy levels of RSA materials, for example, C60 dop...Figure 12.30. (a) Limiting curve and (b) nonlinear transmission of C60‐ILC c...Figure 12.31. Photographs of the exit plane of the fiber array before, right...Figure 12.32. Molecular energy level scheme of the neat liquid L34.The symbo...Figure 12.33. Temporal propagation of a 120 μJ pulse through a 3 mm fiber ar...Figure 12.34. Limiting curves for liquid cored 3 mm fiber array (wavelength
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