Melina Breaking Free. Dimitra Mantheakis

Melina Breaking Free - Dimitra Mantheakis

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His chest rose up and down as he tried to get his breath back. Then she reached out with her hand and stroked his manhood that had lost its previous stiffness. “It was wonderful, Sarantos!” she said. “Can we do it again?”

      The youth smiled and started sucking on her mouth before wandering over her breasts with his lips, stroking the hair on her Mound of Venus with his hands, and directing his tongue to sensually lick her clitoris. Melina squirmed and continued stroking him, while at the same time sucking on his nipples and nibbling on his earlobe. Her hands did not for a moment wander from his penis which she now felt rising up and coming to life again. The harder she felt him become, the more she was overcome by waves of desire coursing through her body. When she felt him hard as iron she bent down and her tongue started wandering up and down, with more attention to the head, exactly in the manner that Sarantos had done for her clitoris. Sarantos responded to the exquisite sensation of her tongue on his now complete erection with a series of groans, inarticulate exclamations and uncontrollable jerks.

      Suddenly he caught her by her bent shoulders and said to her, “Enough! I can’t take any more!” He grabbed her, turning her onto her back and rushed to enter her. Melina shouted out, egging him on to continue with his frantic movements. “Deeper, deeper, Sarantos!” she repeated, again and again. Their bodies rolled left and right, stuck together as if they were one. The hardness that was moving inside her made Melina feel such vibrations of pleasure that she felt she would die from unfathomable bliss. How she wanted this wonderful sensation to last forever! But the time for the final outburst, for the magnificent climax, had come for them both in perfect synchronization. Their bodies had identified with one another in the mutual quest, in this unbelievable journey towards a common destination that was the soothing of their desires and passion, and for the satisfaction demanded by their flesh in its hunger for sex.

      For a few minutes they lay next to one another with their hands entwined, sunk in sweet torpor. Only their irregular breathing revealed that they were alive. Suddenly Melina jumped up. “How long have we been away?” she exclaimed anxiously. Sarantos fumbled for the watch in his trouser pocket. “An hour and a half!” he said. “Oh, we’ll get into trouble!” Melina replied and running, she plunged into the sea. Sarantos, still lying down, leaning on his bent elbow, observed her naked buttocks as their white roundness shone in the moonlight and he again felt passion stirring his private parts.

      “Come to your senses, Sarantos!” he chided himself. “They’ll catch onto us and we’ll be in trouble.” He stood up and entered the water to wash off the sand that was sticking to him. They came out of the water, holding hands and exchanging kisses and then stood for a while to dry off in the summer breeze. They then put on their clothes after shaking them carefully.

      “I’ll leave first!” said Melina. “Come later from another direction not to raise suspicions!” A final kiss and Melina started in the direction of the wedding venue. Anxiety had welled up in her. “And what if they looked for me?” she wondered. “What will I say? I’ve been away for almost two hours! And what if they connect my absence with that of Sarantos? I’m done for! Who’ll be able to stop their tongues wagging?”

      When she reached the wedding party she discovered with relief that nobody was at her table. The couples on the floor were following the rhythm of a melodic slow dance, the lights were dimmed and the silver light of the moon illuminated the tightly clasped figures of the dancers. Mary and Anestis were tightly clenched and were kissing. When the dance finished and her friends came back to her table, no one asked her where she had been. It seems, she said, freed from her earlier anxiety, that they had not noted her absence among so many people, absorbed as they had been with eating the flavorsome food and drinking good wines and dancing. It wasn’t as if they did this every day. Besides, it was a unique opportunity to flirt with the girls or the boys they liked and they weren’t about to lose it by spying on the doings of other invitees.

      Sarantos arrived fifteen minutes later and sat at the opposite corner of the table. He filled his glass with wine and whenever he could he stole glances at Melina, thinking over every detail of the past hours. She had opened the Gates of Paradise for him, she had offered him unique moments of such intense carnal pleasure that they had been almost painful for him and which the young man was sure he would never experience again for the rest of his life. This girl was not only the goddess of his soul; she was also queen of his body. She had offered him her body with a sweet willingness that became a fire that had burned him. She wasn’t a girl; she was a volcano whose lava of desire and her responsiveness, after setting him entirely on fire, had calmed his years-long desire to dominate her, to make her his completely, something that he couldn’t have dreamed of at the beginning of the evening. Sated with pleasure, he silently begged that the experience that had been a fantasy beyond his wildest dreams and ambitions would continue…

      Mary went from table to table, talking and joking with the guests who were slowly beginning to leave, having eaten their fill and exhausted themselves by dancing without stopping. The last to leave was her own group of friends. She invited them all to come for a farewell meal at her house the next day. In the evening she and Anesti would leave for Italy on their honeymoon. The first night of their wedding would be spent at the seaside hotel where the reception was to be held. When the last of the wedding guests had left the couple went up the stairs hand in hand to their tastefully decorated room. They sat for a while on the balcony admiring the silver reflection of the moon on the sea which appeared to shiver at the contact, and then they went into their bedroom. Anesti took off Mary’s wedding dress with practiced hands and while kissing her passionately he removed her lace underwear.

      Mary responded with ardor to his kisses and caresses. The girl had waited, after all, for six whole months. She was young and her flesh had its demands. Her husband dragged her to the bed and before long, and without taking enough time in foreplay, he rushed to enter her. Mary screamed in pain and her passion dissolved. With effort and in extreme discomfort she put up with him until he had finished. When he lay down next to her, panting, the girl tried to rid her face of any signs of disappointment. The sexual act was in no way like the ones she had read about in “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” where every scene had tickled her senses and made her look forward impatiently for the moment when, she too, would experience something similar. How many times had she not thumbed through the forbidden book that she had bought secretly on a trip to Athens with her father and had been hidden in a steamer trunk carefully wrapped in a thick shawl covered with a pile of clothes? How many times when her parents were away had she not read, and read again, the passages describing the heroine’s sexual encounters, spinning her own erotic romances where her senses were awakened and her unquenched desires could only be tamed by the force and the art of an experienced lover! Tonight the scene that she had been nurturing for so many years in her imagination and had fed with her sexual urges had nothing in common with what she had experienced and which had been particularly painful for her, despite its brief duration. “Perhaps it was unpleasant because it was my first time,” she thought, and the explanation sounded convincing to her. “I hope the next time and the ones after will be completely different,” she said to set her mind at ease.

      In a little while Anesti was back on top of her and deep inside her again. It wasn’t painful this time, but she found it impossible to follow his rhythm. He couldn’t touch some relevant spot that would strengthen her longing and her passion to allow her too to get somewhere, and after a while all this back-and-forth of male hips tired and annoyed her because she was unable to participate. She listened to Anesti grunting and soon after he fell by her side, satisfied, while she felt that she was suspended somewhere else and not a part of what had taken place, as if it were not her body that had been conquered. She bit her lip to prevent herself from crying and creating a situation with her husband. He put his arms around her waist tightly and went to sleep on her shoulder with a smile of contentment on his face…

      Mary stayed awake for the rest of the night. A fear had been born inside her that had not been there at the beginning of the previous evening. Could it be that she was frigid and unable to experience satisfaction and that her body was incapable of reaching orgasm despite her strong desires?

      She put aside this annoying thought and the next morning when Anesti woke up with an iron-hard erection, Mary concentrated on the stirring sight. She stroked

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