Introduction to Desalination. Louis Theodore

Introduction to Desalination - Louis Theodore

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but not least, the authors believe that this modest work will help the majority of individuals working and/or studying in the field of desalination to obtain a more complete understanding of this subject matter. If you have come this far and read through this Preface, you have more than just a passing interest in this subject. We strongly recommend that you take advantage of the material available in this book. We think that it will be a worthwhile experience.

      East Williston, NY, January 2022 Louis Theodore


      To all the members of East Williston Fire Department, but in particular: Billy Behan, Angelo Carbone Jr., Domenic Conte, Steve Jones, Billy McLean Jr., and a host of others.


       In loving memory of Marie K. and Robert H. Dupont

      Chapters in this Part include the following:

       Global Water Scarcity and the Need for “New Water”

       Technical Glossary

       Engineering Principles

       Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties of Materials

       Water Properties

       Water Chemistry

       The Conservation Laws, Stoichiometry, and Thermodynamics

      1.1 Introduction

      The title of this book includes the word desalination. (2012) defines desalination as “the process of removing salt, esp from seawater so that it can be used for drinking or irrigation.” Thus, desalination is a process that produces potable water. The reader should keep in mind, and this will be discussed later in the book, that there are other processes available for producing potable water, many of which are currently uneconomical. For this reason, the book primarily deals with desalination. The general topic of potable water is also considered and is addressed in several of the paragraphs to follow.

      The world’s total water is enormous compared with the presently conceivable needs of man, yet there is a growing water problem. Of the 1.39 billion km3 (332 million mi3) of water in the Earth’s crust 99% is salty and useful neither for irrigation by present techniques nor for the majority of man’s other needs.

      An obvious way to increase water availability is to recover fresh water from seawater or large underground stores of brackish water that are available in many arid regions, but that are generally not usable without significant treatment. Other options for increasing potable water supplies is to find ways to use the saline or brackish water for agriculture or other uses that can tolerate higher salinity levels, or to actively pursue water conservation measures to protect limited fresh water supplies that may be available.

      This chapter introduces the reader to the general subject of global water supplies and water scarcity issues through a review of water availability and water sources, global water resources, global water resource issues, and the history of desalination. A series of illustrative examples are provided to highlight concepts presented throughout the chapter.

      1.2 Water Availability and Water Sources

Water compartment % of Total Earth’s water budget
Oceans 97.2
Frozen glacier water & other ice 2.15
Ground or subsurface water 0.61
Freshwater lakes 0.009
Inland seas 0.008
Soil moisture 0.005
Atmospheric water 0.001
Rivers and streams 0.001

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