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Praise for Gus Lee’s earlier, Courage: The Backbone of Leadership
“Gus Lee, in this well‐written and useful book, demystifies courage and reveals what it is made of: integrity, competence, and good judgment.”
—Warren Bennis Distinguished Professor of Business, University of Southern California, Founder, Modern Leadership Development
“When it comes to leadership, Gus Lee has walked the walk and talked the talk. Now, in his latest book, he offers all of us, who call ourselves leaders, a primer on how to gain and maintain in ourselves and our organizations that critical element that makes the difference: courage!”
—H. Norman Schwarzkopf General, US Army (Ret.)
Praise for The Courage Playbook: 5 Steps to Overcome Your Fears and Become Your Best self
“Gus Lee, who is not only very smart but also has an abundance of common sense, has written a terrific book about a perennial problem facing all of us: developing the courage to conquer our fears.”
—John J. Mearsheimer, R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago
“Gus's training changed my life. He uses courage to shape us ‘weeble wobbles'—and to help us stand firm even after we wobble and get knocked down, time and time again. The tools and concepts provided in The Courage Playbook challenged my approach to leading and communicating, by not just understanding and assessing my own courage but also by identifying practical applications of courageous behaviors. As Gus writes, ‘courage is more action than abstraction and is more behavioral than theoretical.' As a combat veteran, entrepreneur, and business executive, I didn't need to think more about courageous actions; I needed to act more courageously and more quickly. Through The Courage Playbook, Gus personally coached me, provided me tremendous insights on myself, and empowered and encouraged me with practical ways to live the first of human qualities.”
—Chris Miller SVP Flippen Group, West Point Class of 1998, Operation Iraqi Freedom
“Meeting Gus Lee changed my life; his book will change yours. The Courage Playbook is a 5‐alarm wake‐up call to self‐awareness, recognizing we control how we show up for others each day. We choose cowardice or courage in all our interactions—just getting along, or really getting it right. Gus's Leaders of Character, LOC Biography Form 5 inventory was my jump‐start in understanding the painful truth of my lack