Rank-Based Methods for Shrinkage and Selection. A. K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh
12.1 RNN-ridge algorithm.Table 12.2 Interpretation of the confusion matrix.Table 12.3 Confusion matrix for Titanic data sets using RLR...Table 12.4 Number of correct predictions (percentages) and AUROC of LNN-ridge.Table 12.5 Input (xij), output (yi) and predicted values p~(xi) for the image classification problem.Table 12.6 Confusion matrices for RNNs and LNNs (test size = 35).Table 12.7 Accuracy metrics for RNNs vs. LNNs (test size = 35).Table 12.8 Train/test set accuracy for LNNs. F1 score is associated with the test set.Table 12.9 Train/test set accuracy for RNNs. F1 score is associated with the test set.Table 12.10 Confusion matrices for RNNs and LNNs (test size = 700).Table 12.11 Accuracy metrics for RNNs vs. LNNs (test size = 700).Table 12.12 MNIST training with 0 outliers.Table 12.13 MNIST training with 90 outliers.Table 12.14 MNIST training with 180 outliers.Table 12.15 MNIST training with 270 outliers.Table 12.16 Table of responses and probability outputs.
1 Cover
6 Table of Contents
9 Foreword
10 Preface
12 Bibliography
13 Author Index
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