Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing for Advanced Wireless Networks. Savo G. Glisic
l plus 1 Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column otherwise period EndLayout"/>
Making all substitutions into Eq. (3.26), we get
where we have defined the vector
Figure 3.7 Temporal backpropagation.
Each term
The bias weight
The symmetry between the forward propagation of states and the backward propagation of error terms is preserved in temporal backpropagation. The number of operations per iteration now grows linearly with the number of layers and synapses in the network. This savings is due to the efficient recursive formulation. Each coefficient enters into the calculation only once, in contrast to the redundant use of terms when applying standard backpropagation to the unfolded network.
Design Example 3.1
As an illustration of the computations involved, we consider a simple network consisting of only two segments (cascaded linear FIR filters shown in Figure 3.8). The first segment is defined as
For simplicity, the second segment is limited to only three taps:
Figure 3.8 Oversimplified finite impulse response (FIR) network.
Here ( a is the vector of filter coefficient and should not be confused with the variable for the activation value used earlier). To adapt the filter coefficients, we evaluate the gradients ∂e2(k)/∂a and ∂e2(k)/∂b. For filter b, the desired response is available directly at the output of the filter of interest and the gradient is