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The Jelling style (900 – 980) is named after burial mounds in Jelling (Denmark). Items made in this style are distinguished by sophistication, aristocracy and richness. They are often decorated with gilding. The main features of this style are the image of the head of the beast in profile, ribbon-like, intertwining torsos and geometric patterns run along the body of the animal.
Birka is a large economic and handicraft center on the territory of modern Sweden, situated on the shores of Lake Mälaren. It existed in the years 800 – 975.
Most illustrative works of art have been selected for the article. Conclusions following from their comparison concern the entire mass of Russian and foreign items viewed by the author.
Inv. № М-504. See analogies: “Museum Complex named after I. Ya. Slovtsov” (Tyumen region, inv. № D-57), Smolensk State Museum Reserve (inv. №P 187), State Historical Museum (inv. №MZh 6849), Hermitage (inv. №ERM-4731). Dated to the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th century.
“Cucumber” – the name of a decorative figure.
See also the chest from the collection of the Uppland Museum (inv. № UM 03648).
Item from the collection of the National Museum of Denmark, dated 1744 (see:
See: Пудов Г. А. Об одном виде русских сундучных изделий (баулы XVIII – XIX веков). История и художественный стиль// Известия Байкальского государственного университета. – 2020. – Т. 30. – №4. – С. 560—565.
Inv. № М-4.
Stiftelsen Nordmøre Museum (инв. № KM.02036). This example is not isolated. See, for example, «podgolovnik» from the Hordalan Museum center, inv. № ОМ. 01317.
Inv. № М-34.
Inv. №№ 17958, 17960, 17963.